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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Ryuk


    What do you mean with "It didn't work" ? The download didn't work or it didn't fix your errors ? Make sure after downloading the small patch you run the Forsaken-RO patcher and let it patch up.
  2. Hello and welcome to the server. I hope you enjoy your stay. In order to download our files please visit the following link : Click me ! After clicking on the above link, click on the "All in one" picture and you should be able to start the download. If you have any other questions feel free to ask/PM me. Regards, Ryuk
  3. Please let us know if you have any further questions. I'll leave this topic open for now.
  4. Ryuk


    In order to fix this error please follow the following steps : 1 : Run the ForsakenRO patcher 2 : If you're already patched up delete your fpatch.inf and run the patcher. In case this does not work do the following : 1: Download the small patch(80mb) from the website. 2: Install this patch into your RO folder. 3: Run the patcher and let it patch. 4: Press start when it's done and have fun playing. PS. Next time please check other topics in the support section. These errors tend to be very common and they have been solved in other topics. Please let me know if this worked for you Regards, Ryuk
  5. True, but the supply will be way less compared to the demand. Hence why the prices would skyrocket. I also think you cant compare the "act" of donating with the act of working for something in game and then tell which one is easier to obtain. The F-helm is easier to obtain in-game because it's supply is way bigger compared to the imps hence why the price remains low. Just saying that it's the "rareness" and the looks of an item that very much decide the price on here instead of fully focussing on the given effect. (Hence the huge price difference between different imps and specially between GvH and the imp helms.) @HerLove : I think I already commented on everything you said in your last post throughout the entire topic. I already stated why I think the attendance on GvG is lacking and I have also told you the downsides that I see when making this change. This will be my last post on this topic cause I think we could go on forever. I'd prefer seeing more people comment on this instead of us trying to convince each other, which really doesn't have much use. It's up to the other players and the GMs whether this gets accepted or not. Good luck :wink: Regards, Ryuk
  6. What about golden valkyrie helms ? Those aren't as hard to achieve yet the imperial helms give the same stats. Why ? Because the imperial hats represent 'status' and those come in different colors. People tend to pay for looks around here. Also, those rucksacks were spread way easier than the GvG ones ever will. Rucksacks drop in hordes. This GvG ruckie will only be made once every few months. Before it reaches the point of the current ruckies we'll be lots of months if not years further. My opinion regarding the buff still stands, but hey ! we'll see what the majority says and I guess I'll 'go with the flow' aka the GM's decision
  7. It's clear that our opinions differ a lot. As for the WoE question.. it's not the same item, it's the same effects yes, but a different item. That's what differentiates a LOT of gears and prices on this server. (Compare the different kind of SGWs. Huge price differences, yet the same effort to get them and the same effects. Just saying that looks decide prices a lot on FRO). Again in my point of view it's not monopolized because of the prizes. Heck there's a huge load of people that would love to get an item worth 6k coupons that is this rare and better looking than the other rucksacks. It's the fact that the slightly smaller guilds wont stand a chance in GvG because 95% of the massively geared people are in 1-2 guilds that took over GvG. Boosting up the rucksacks will only make the current monopolize guilds even stronger and might even discourage people from joining GvG even more because their chances have gotten even slimmer. Nearly every change in every wanted item influences it's price. If you boost an item like this of course it would get more popular, of course more people would want it. Yet the supply stays the same ( or LESS even if what you're saying is true and more different guilds will join, certs will be spread over different guilds and it will take longer to make the rucksacks. ). This means the supply will stay the same or get less, while the demand gets bigger. This in simple economics causes inflation and will cause the item to raise in price because the item will be "more rare" and "very much wanted". The 'mere' difference you're asking for is fine by me, But removing the movementspeed reduction is a mere difference, removing the movementspeed and giving it such damage bonusses is no longer a 'mere' difference in my opinion.
  8. Orrrrr... you can just get a wizard or a different class to killa huge amount of mobs at the same time ^_^ !
  9. I strongly disagree with this suggestion. Reasons : 1: The rucksacks are already extremely expensive, giving them even more bonusses will raise their prize further. 2: Because gvg is the only way to achieve them only the already heavily geared and rich people can obtain them. I think we have had more than enough changes that improve the strong and weaken the poor. Aka this change would only be for the rich people. 3: In my opinion you're asking for quite a big change.. you're trying to remove a debuff but not only that, on top of that you want to give it quite a big advantage. Yes 5%damage increase can easily make a difference, and honestly I see no reason to do this at all. Just because they are hard to achieve they should become even better ? I see no reason to buff up the already strong players and weaken the newer ones even further. 4: The GvG prices at this moment have little to do with the attendance to GvG. People don't GvG because certain guilds are monopolyzing GvG and the "newer" or "smaller" guilds will have absolutely no chance to compete. Bloo's player limit could be an idea but I doubt it will work. You do know it will take months if not years before guildmasters would be able to give out these rucksacks to their players right ? And above all that most guildmasters are greedy as well and won't just hand out an item that would be worth more than 6000 coupons. This means that the rich guildleaders will become richer/stronger and the weaker guildmembers or members of a none monopoly guild will remain as poor/weak. In other words this change only benefits the rich.
  10. Ryuk

    Flower Aura

    I kinda agree that just the looks dont make up for the huge price difference between the auras. 10% hp/sp might be a little much but 5% hp/sp should be fine. Or perhaps add a 10% movement speed buff on them.
  11. Safety wall is an essential part of WoE. Guilds are supposed to be able to guard. WoE is NOT supposed to be a breaking-fest. Removing safety-wall will indeed bring back woe the way it was. Boring, no competition, breaking-fest and guilds full of assassins because guarding would be impossible anyway. I strongly disagree with removing safetywall, instead I'd recommend you to get a good prof in your guild and tell him to use magnetic earth.
  12. Ryuk

    *nods* Alright then :3.

  13. Ryuk

    If you want to talk about it , feel free to PM me o.o

  14. Ryuk

    Control Panels

    Everything's up and running now. Voting center & Control pannel both.
  15. Ryuk

    Most definitely ;o. what about you ? "Love hurtssss..." doesn't sound too positive ._.

  16. Ryuk

    Flower Aura

    I wouldn't mind a small buff on it in order to keep it more valueable than fbh aura. However lowering the price to 50 would be rather unfair to all the people that saved up till 120 to get one quite a while back.
  17. Thanks for reporting, We're aware of this problem. It's caused by the server upgrade (Check announcements). Will be fixed. Edit : Will leave this topic open until it's fixed.
  18. Closing this topic due to no further updates from the topic maker.
  19. I assume this has fixed your error. If not feel free to message me. Topic closed.
  20. Ryuk


    Closing this topic assuming it's fixed. If it's not, feel free to send me a message.
  21. You can indeed reset your position at the control pannel. However this wont keep you from erroring again when you encounter the same sprite. Delete your fpatch.inf and repatch that should fix your errors. In case it doesn't, download the small installer from the site and install that into your RO folder. Then run the patcher. Let me know whether this fixed the errors for you. Regards, Ryuk
  22. What are you goaling at with your comments ? I'm not even doing anything..

  23. Ryuk

    I visit on my novice once in a while :P

  24. Ryuk

    Not as much time as I used to have. At least for now.

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