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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Being with a group of people doesn't mean that you don't use the same HoP to get to the server. As stated
  2. Empty your private message inbox.

  3. If you really do D/C 10 to 15 times a day I can assure you the problem is on your side. These global D/C's happen very rarely and certainly not 10 to 15 times a day. It isn't the server unless everyone D/C's . My first guess would be difficulties at one of the closest hops to the server. As this happens to quite some people but not everyone at the same time I could imagine some people using a different route to the server. However, I'll contact the staff to see whether they know more about the sudden D/C's - / server status. PS. Did these D/C's start after the recent upgrade (April 1) or did they already occur before that ?
  4. Oooh. Those bags look tasty :tongue:
  5. Could you give us an indication on how many times a day you get disconnected ? Because things like these can be caused by many different things. From server restarts, timeouts to bad hopping or DNS.
  6. Please let me know if this error returns to any of you. If so, I'll see if I can identify which sprite is erroring you.
  7. Are you getting the exact same error as Alkaid's ? Also. Alkaid try resetting your position at the control pannel and then warping back to the place where you were afking. See if you error again.
  8. First thing to try is running our FRO patcher and see if there's any updates.
  9. I assume this problem is solved now. If not feel free to send me a PM. Topic closed.
  10. ^ What Veracity said. You can make a ticket by clicking on the "Ticket System" button at the top of your screen. Closing this topic now cause it has no further use. Ryuk
  11. Please let us know whether you have solved your issue with this solution or not. As for the hacking case. Please make a ticket regarding this issue so one of the GMs can help you further. Regards, Ryuk
  12. Ikr !, I just imagined the targets being apples =D Makes the game way easier !

  13. LOL I managed to get such a hugeass snake =D

  14. Yeah, the snake liked me as well =D

  15. Didn't know about it until you told me. And oops mah bad =D.

  16. You have to set tax to your character first. Steps to follow : 1: Start the game. 2: Log into the guild leader's character. 3: Press alt + g 4: click on the tab position. 5: At the extreme right it says TAX with numbers under it. Click on the number then change it to (for example) 50. Click once (anywhere on the screen). Then click on OK. After doing that, just kill enemies like you normally would to train your character. You now share your exp with the guild ! I assume this answered your question. Regards, Ryuk
  17. I'll leave this topic open for another day. Please let us know whether your problem is solved or not.
  18. Ryuk

    Alright alright ;3.

  19. LOL. I actually tried that one xDD;

  20. The real one of course ;D !

  21. Almost as good as.... apples.
  22. Ya go stalk Ryuk !

  23. Ryuk

    Awww poor you Dan ! =D. And yes I'm hard to stalk .gg

  24. Oooh, I know most of them =D

  25. They do appear on TV here quite often. But yeah, gimme some artists you listen to :p

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