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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Nonono, I listen to a lot of different stuff. But Linkin park never gets old though =p

  2. Not bad ;p. Favorite singer.. hmm lets see..My favorite group would be Linkin' Park. Favorite solo singer I wouldn't know xD;

  3. Oh damn. That's quite a list. I listen to nearly all music except for country and hardcore/trance kind of things. =3. You ?

  4. Instead of trying to get our server running with the use of external sources, you should try downloading a download accelerator like Flashget. Then download our full installer. So the steps you should follow are : 1: Download and install flashget. 2: Remove any files you have from FRO. 3: Download the full installer. 4: Install the full installer. 5: Run the FRO patcher and let it patch. 6: Press start and play the game. Also This would be part of renewal, It could indeed work when installed properly. But we don't advice using it because we're not working with the renewal system. Hence why I advice you to use Flashget and just get our full installer. Regards, Ryuk
  5. It's alright, you came up with some pretty original questions xD !

  6. Red, juicy and sweet are the ways to go ! D:

  7. Ryuk

    xD I was kidding Ita-chan.

  8. Ryuk

    Omfg ! No way ! xD

  9. Most definitely !

  10. Ryuk


    12 days have passed since his last post in this topic. I'm assuming the problem has been solved. If not feel free to make a new topic or send me a message.
  11. 12 days have passed since his last post in this topic. I'm assuming the problem has been solved. If not feel free to make a new topic or send me a message.
  12. I think yes ! =D

  13. Zomg deal ! Now I just need someone to sprite an applebag ! >;
  14. I quite like them :)
  15. Would this stuff include thana ? =D

  16. Unfortunately not. I have to pay for my studies etc myself.

  17. Ryuk

    Which Is Better

    Personally, I'd prefer an ice pick over a carded Fdagger, though both can be very effective.
  18. College doesn't pay me unfortunately. I end up paying them xP. Next semester I'll prolly get payed though *nods*

  19. Vacation is very much needed ! x.x;

  20. Ryuk

    Yes Yes I smell jealousy.!

  21. Ryuk

    High Wizard Card

    Which is nullified if your casting time is instant o.o; (last time I checked)
  22. Most of these class specific cards are meant for PvP. Hence why the soul linker effect seems fine to me. Any pvp based linker would need the necro hood or the highness to be able to pvp effectively. Combine any of these with the new suggested card and you'd have a fine combo. If you're thinking none pvp based, then the matk would still be awesome for esma. As for the merchant one. I agree that 80% cart devo damage boost is useless but it's supposed to be a combo card. Together with the whitesmith weapon card it adds a few nice things.
  23. LoveyoutooSom. =P

  24. College work mostly at this moment xD;

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