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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Started the new year with a fever and a cold LOL

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kosu~


      take some pills bro and get well :D

    3. Danny


      Thanks you two xD

    4. Aerofox


      blaze it so that your cold will be hot

  2. Fancy Footwork - Chromeo (Recommending this song to everyone to listen)
  3. ^ LINKS: Troubleshooting Guide
  4. Danny


    Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment
  5. +4 Sir Bumpsalot LOL (Sounds so wrong though)
  6. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment
  7. +3 McBumpy ;)
  8. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment
  9. +1 Bump
  10. Vote! Vote! VOTE!!! I'm getting my 4/5/6th Vote Capes bcuz they're sxc<3

  11. Finally, a sxc High Wizard guide! My first main class was a High Wizard too when I first started playing this game and thought the skills was OP (I practically thought I was god back then LOL). Then eventually, the saddest truth is that High Wizard are really underrated and gets outshine by other classes such as Assassin Cross, Lord Knights, Champions, Clowns/Gypsies and most of the Snipers. I'm definitely going to use this guild for future reference. Thanks Ray!
  12. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section P.S. You have posted in the wrong section xD You should had done it in the Introduction Section of the forum instead but its okay I guess. I would definitely suggest to a social/farming/quest guild such as HR, Mormo and I know there's like 2 new New player guilds but I can't remember the name at the moment.
  13. xD You just have to find the right people to talk to and hang out with :th_e4: Like, if you need any help in the game and that you would had ask nicely (Not going to assume you bad or anything), I'm sure they would be glad to help you and your sister. P.S I welcome your Sister also! and I'll say hi to ya if I do see you in the game.
  14. lol from what I remember, someone told me that only 6k(or around near there) of SP would affect the Asura Damage(But by only a little) and anymore than 6k would just be a waste of Stat Points. If you are still uncertain, you can always try it with your friends. Please do experiment with different card builds and stat builds. Who knows. You might just find the ultimate fighting class of fRO for Champs. Please do share it with others if it is a good or moderately okay build.
  15. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section
  16. Hello and Welcome(or Welcome back per say) to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section P.S. So much pink.... So much MLP lol please don't be like my friends who keeps singing random MLP songs into my ears x___x; they kept singing it in the car while I was driving, and every time they change to a different MLP song, I feel like driving into a ditch just for the hella of it.
    1. Rayray


      Greedy people will always be greedy man.

    2. thePast


      rich peeps get richer ryt? :>

    3. Danny


      LOL yeh, I was so shocked to see how fked up the economy is right now.

  17. I thought we had this thread already before o.o
  18. Only have a week left of Vacation Days xD I'm going to be very busy with Uni when it opens. SOSAD! SOBERISAD! Q__Q

  19. lol I thought the Zodiac Aurora looks fine the way it is, and what you're say is to make it look smaller so it could look cool like the Emperium Aurora are xD. You can always try pm Barbie(or Mac but not sure if he still on the forum or not) since she does a lot of sprite editing but honestly, it does take a lot of time to just get the details that because I'm an amateur and inexperience when it comes to this kind of stuffs. -1 I would rather have Zodiacs look/size differently than the Emp Aura.
  20. Google "Forsaken RO Control Panel". Then login onto your Account. Once login into your account, please click on the "My Account" link in the Left Panel of the website, then select the character which is currently stuck right now, then click on the "Reset Position" link which you should see clearly on top of the Stats Box. Your Character will be back at the last saved position or in FCity.
  21. lol what the.... You okay?
  22. Nice update GMs, gimme sexy hat plz.
  23. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section I do admire those people who plays the International RO ones lol and I even tried playing the official RO but I got bored when I reached level 94.... and I was still a Knight lol Didn't even bother to max it out LOL *sigh* im such a noob there, still a noob here.
  24. True, true but like I said before, I'm super paranoid LOL and even if my weight is not over 50%, I would still un-equip all my gears and be like, all naked. Except for the yellow gemstones and star crumbs in my inventory xD
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