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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment P.S: I'm glad you are enjoying the game :) and that you have been playing here more than a month now.
  2. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment (Check out this section for a guild that you are looking for) P.S: I, myself, would recommend to make a Baby Wizard instead of the normal High Wizard because of the extra 2000 stat points. I pumped up my STR to 300 and still manage to do a decent MATK Damage using Storm Gust.
  3. If I can't do the things I enjoy most, where does that leave me with?

  4. lol it should really have the same vote points as the vote cape so players can decide to choose either one
  5. Just type in /exall (You won't receive any whispers from anyone or anybody) and the other way is typing /ex "player/character name" (excluding the quotation mark)
  6. Danny


    Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment (Check out this place to make friends, family or even comrades in battle) *Recommended for new players
  7. Danny


    Hello and Welcome(Back?) to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment (Check out this place to make friends, family or even comrades in battle) *Recommended for new players
  8. S>ProfCursedJacket[2.7]Urds[2.8]pm me in-game on Caspar
  9. Well, that's disappointing lol *SIGH

  10. +1 for the suggestion, just have to make the Vote Drake Jacket [Will Not Work With The Storyline Quest] Off-topic: Do we have any spriters or sprite editors on fRO left? Maybe someone could create a nice girly version of the cape lol I always hear the girls complaining that the Cape/Jacket looks ugleh LMAO. If it does happen, +1 also for the Girly-Version of the Vote Cape ;)
  11. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment (Check out this place to make friends, family or even comrades in battle) *Recommended for new players
  12. -1 for both the idea of nerfing puppetring card and owl baron card on Champion classes. I don't think they are that op even with Puppetring or even with Own Baron (unless they get 2x buff the pallies). You just need the proper gear to protect yourself or the proper cards to be able to counter them.
  13. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment
  14. +1 For Vera ;)
  15. ROFL I<3URayx2
  16. -1 for me too lol I know its a let down, but in a serious matter, there are other just many other items you can actually do that and like what Ray's mentioned earlier, are you trying to monopolize something which is obtainable for free via votes? I think its good enough to just put it in your storage and share the damn items among your own characters in your own account.
  17. Welcome back! :)
  18. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment P.S. Love your pixel art work by the way. You should make a business out of it here, in exchanging for forsaken tokens (One of our main currency). 1 Token is like around 15 - 20 Million Zenny. I'll explain the different tokens in the game just as a Heads up. Forsaken Tokens or Toks or Donation Tokens The main currency in the game, it is tradeable and be obtainable through buying from other players or buying it by donating money. Activity Tokens Activity Tokens are different from Forsaken Token, Activity Token is untradeable and can only be obtain through be active in the game. With Activity tokens, you can buy unique headgears and other items through the Token Trader at Forsaken City (FCity) Event Tokens Event Tokens can be obtained by winning GM Events or buying it from other players using Forsaken Tokens. The ratio are 1 E.Toks to 3 F.Toks. Like the Activity Tokens, you can buy certain unique equipments or items through the Token Trader.
  19. Welcome back to Forsaken RO :)
  20. Danny


    Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment P.S You should really talk about yourself "a little", or just give us a general idea/outlines on who you are as a person :)
  21. +1 Nice, Erwin :)
  22. +1 Bumper McBumpity, Son of the Bumper XIII The Great, from the Land of BumpDom.
  23. You just have to keep warp around on the thief (the 3 locations of the thief) until he is at the last location at for_fild06 240 147 AND when he finally stopped his annoying snickering & says something like "I don't have the items anymore, noob! It's all over Midgard now! And I've just wasted your time by warping around looking for me" LOL Seriously, you just have to keep going at it and I know it may seem frustrating at first because I did the quest like several times over.
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