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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Danny

  1. I don't think its a PC problem lol but try to type /effect which is to turn off the effects in the game,turn off the music(Not sure if this is helping with the lag or not xD), type /aura to turn off the aura/glows of characters, and also /lightmap to turn on/off the shadows/lightings/shadings in the game. PLUS, the server is having host issues (And getting DDOS attacks from unknown entities, thats what I heard lol). p.s I'm so jelly of your graphic card, I want a Nvidia Geforce Titan :( or a Titan Black, or the 980 ones.
  2. Danny


    Hello and Welcome!
  3. Nothing much ;) Whatever to that other girl... Uhhh I forgot her name lol She always uses a High Wizard?
  4. The card remover? The Kafra NPC in FCity or the Kafra NPC in any Cities. Yeah, there's no risk in breaking items or losing cards. Just in case though, make sure your inventory is empty and your STR (And that you're not overweight) is high enough to carry a lot of items if you're that paranoid like I am.
  5. Getting headaches @__@

  6. Joe Cocker - You are so beautiful & With a little help from my friend
  7. Price check on +10Black Cat Ears! anyone can tell me?

  8. Bought WSBlessedSet! Thank you! B>Thor'sHammer[1.3]T>GoldHoD+Tokens to WhiteHoD or GoldHoD for BlueHoD|S>+10BlackCatEars|pm me here or in-game on Caspar or Fallacy.
  9. How much are you selling for your Jacket? lol I thought Jacket is cheaper than rings.
  10. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section
  11. Nothing wrong with getting more 3~4 Vote Auroras either (e.g Fallen Ghost Aura - 50 votes each) lol one with kiel, fsold, maya p, vanberk, lord knight card and so forth. This is just optional though if you're too lazy to do the Aura quest in the game xD or you could just always collect all the vote items!
  12. HMMM I guess so. its +1 from me anyways! Revert it back please! I do agree that the new updates is making the Prof(or even Bio) magically Inept when Prof itself is suppose to be excel in spamming fast bolts!
  13. lol I hate when I need to sleep but I can't. I don't know why I'm so hyper or active in the middle of the night D;

  14. Please leave a message here or just pm in-game, Fallacy or Caspar. Thank you!
  15. HMMM all I know is that he is ahead of time when it comes to timezones? Since if he really lives in Australia, that's like +2 or +1 hours ahead of me. And yeah, I thought I was gonna see more in FCity or they have some sort of base somewhere but yeah, I wanna see more active members xD Or is it because of the connection problems we're having right now.
  16. Ah you know me on my Lord Knight! xDD Blue/Black-ish Lord Knight named Nathaniel Blackthorn! We WoE together in Avalanche before and Fallacy is my main SinX now or used it before for Avalanche!
  17. +1 Vera JAJAJA
  18. I was thinking what if they put an addition effects on the Legendary Weapons and Valkyrie Weapons for Prof, Bio and HW to counter the delays of the Bolts? So in turned, SN/Baby SN would still be affected by the delays of the bolts spamming as intended. Like, for example(AND JUST AN EXAMPLE, don't be hatin and I really don't know how much the % delays of the bolt spams either, so im basing this on assumptions): Legendary Weapon(Prof): +65% ~ 70% Decrease Delays of bolts speed (LOL idk) or Increase Bolt speeds? Valk Weapon(Prof): +80% Decrease Delays of bolts or vice versa. OR if you guys don't want it on the weapons, the effects would be on the cape or rings? Prof Vote Cape: +60% ~ 70% Decrease Delays of bolts spam or etc. Prof Infernal Donation Cape/Drake Jacket: +80% Decrease Delays of bolts spam or vice versa. If the Donation Cape becomes Cursed/Blessed Rings/Jackets: +100% Decrease Delays of bolts spam or vice versa. Is this possible though? What do you guys think?
  19. Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, It will be definitely nice to have new players and please do ignore the bullies/jackasses in the game though. I hope do you find new friends/ family/guilds. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section
  20. A Social guild eh lol that sounds really interesting. There's definitely a lot of lonely new players and who don't even know what do in the game sometimes. Heck, even old players get really lonely too because of the different time zones? Or some of the friends are just too busy/don't have the same holiday as you do lol but yeah, Good luck with this guild, I might join using an ALT Char LOL because im like 60 - 70% Free/Bored? 30 - 40% WoEing. I don't even do Battle Royale or GvG xD Between those %, I might be farming/Questing? Or BCing for items.
  21. B>WSBlessdSet[3.7]ThorHammer[1.2]pm me here or in-game, Caspar or Fallacy

  22. Welcome back Laura! I'm back too!!! xD See ya in the game!
  23. Obsidiots: Live from District 11 - Choo Choo Go.
  24. Either leave a msg here or just contact me in-game, on Caspar or Fallacy. Thank you
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