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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Danny

  1. What is this!?!? I just came to visit my friends in fRO! and the first thing I get is SOME IDIOT DOUCHEBAG trying to scam me? FUCKIN HELL NO!


  3. For all my friends and family<3 Please do not bother me with fRO and do not ask for my items. Definitely not gonna give :( Mine!

  4. Danny

    Goodbye Everyone

    I thought a lot about it for quite some time now and finally decided that It's time for me to leave this place and move on. I really had an awesome time being here. I met a lot of great people and made awesome new friends along the way. It's one of those experience that you could never replace or find its equal when it comes to Forsaken RO. It's always a privilege and a pleasure to have play fRO for almost 3 years. When my girlfriend asked me if I would play any other MMORPG longer than fRO, I would always reply her by saying " Nah, this is it for me. This will be the only MMORPG I'm going to play FOREVER " LOL I know it was kinda dramatic but yeah, somehow I knew its never going to last that long haha. I seen and learned a lot of things in fRO. It was never a dull moment when you are surrounded by good company. But I'm going to start College soon again and some of my old friends are leaving RO too. There's nothing left here for me anymore, my girlfriend don't even play fRO anymore. I know I still have some other friends who are still playing but I'm at that point where I don't feel like playing fRO anymore. So I would like to name all of my friends who I want to thank, just for being there, talking to me, hanging out with me and overall supporting, helping me. This is going to be a lot lol. ( And to all my friends who used to play fRO ) Maria, Jeremy, Chris, Sabrina, Wan, Ken, Jasmine, Josef, Dean, Kuoch, Mello, Dudu, Appie, Charlie, Jojo, Bass, Lucy, Lena, Kelly, Lanny, Adum, Ade, Ali, Rayna, Lauren, Ami, Naru, Jian Zhong, Jian, Iris, Irene, Wiwi, Khim, TG, Shreya, Sweta, Sai, JC, Hatty, Annie, Sophie, Nad, Hannah V., Mario, Aki, Francis, Juan, Rin Rin(Erin), Shane, Sookie, Derrick, Nas, Awie, Nikko, James, Selah, Arif, Juzai, Min, Jerry, Timmy, Airi, Ryan, Charles, Aaron, Darren, Claire, Karen, Cindy, Carine, Ita, Asia, Mac, Anna, Zac, Kerbs, Andri, Dennis, Helen, Eugene, Marin, Mike, Zack, Lams, Vincent, Kirus, Arvin, Mery, Benjamin, Jen, Jhen, Jessica, Jay, Huy, Cole, Ramen,Chris(azn noob), Ken( -[ 1 ]- ), Christopher, Josh, Ant, Joshua, Kelvin, Dani, Crim, Som, Kanein, Hansen, Matt, Jon, Gabe, Dine and to everyone else who I have not mention. ( like some random Bruneian players or something ) I love you guys. Stay awesome. I would like to thank the GM Team (Also to some of the former GM) ; To [GM]Genesis,[GM]Noir,[GM]Lyris,[GM]Justice,[GM]Determination,[GM]Seraphine,[GM]Lyra,[GM]Wish,[GM]Bunny,[GM]Blanc,[GM]Ryuk, [GM]Manifest, [GM]Fear, [GM]Miracle, [GM]Rune, and 1 more gm but I'll just call him [GM]Sex HEHEH ( YOU know who YOU are ) Thank you for all the awesome events and the help. Keep up the good work ( More updates, more power ) Try to be more active LOL I would like to thank all the haters : Keep on hating<3 LOL I would like to thank all my competitors and rivals : Good luck I'm going to miss you guys. I'll still keep in touch. Good luck to everyone and take good care of yourselves. I would like to apologize to everyone or anyone who I have cause any harm or pain towards you. I truly am sorry. P.S : I still hate beggars, scammers, hackers, and fake people ( You know who you are )
  5. Semi - Active ish

  6. Danny


    Drake card? For a Quest? Maybe. I don't remember.
  7. Gen. u hax ur rep! LOL

  8. AHHHHH Is there a Bunneh in da house?!!?!

  9. Hi Appie Baby! Is that you Afking in FCity? Bunnehsomething LOL I thought you were afk or something D:

  10. Thanks Brian! I can happily quit now n___n LOL<3

  11. Danny

    LOL Finally! Just tell me when or just pass it to Maria.

  12. Danny

    What If.

    If only..... The End. LOL Jk If only I had more money. I wouldn't fuss about it. Seriously. A lot more money.

    1. Ryuk


      Right here o_o! Whatcha need ?


  15. Danny

    Nga!!!! you still got my AGI BELTS LOL Give it back!!!!! I just remember it today

  16. Danny


    *PATS* You're not alone!!!!
  17. I'm doing good. Like Erwin said Life is pretty much boring! Everything is boring nowadays. Got nothing to do LOL I'm just waiting on something so I could go back to studying.

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