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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Danny

  1. BACK IN MY DAY We only had Elite Sets which are class dependent and the stats were halves of that of the Forsaken King Set?
  2. Danny


    Hey Frank! and Welcome to ForsakenRO! I'm glad someone is having fun, so I hope you are able to share it with your friends or even your family to play fRO! I don't really PVP much but it can get really competitive with other players. I know there is one guild that invites new players to join them if they enjoy pvp with other new players. So make new friends and family! And enjoy playing forsakenRO!
  3. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Downtown

  4. I'm having a bad first week xD Got on fRO to get away from it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lights_of_purification
    3. niemono89


      lets get a cuppa of latte :3

    4. Irisu


      Twist to the tale: fRO gives you way more stress. Hahahaha

  5. O: Thanks! I know that Anime but I never really watch the whole thing xD; Edit: OMG I just remember her... SHE DIED THOUGH (sad face)
  6. Hey David! Nice to see a friendly face! (literally) and Welcome to ForsakenRO! If you have any questions, just ask away okay? I'm like always in the game lol Even though there's another Danny (A Lord Knight of Dongs) I seen of, I'm the other Danny (or Danneh) lol how to differentiate?
  7. Hi and welcome to ForsakenRO! I probably have seen you around somewhere!
  8. Danny


    Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO, that is some introduction though. I was very moved by it.
  9. BACK IN MY DAY When we MVP, we had to do it in a party with friends!
  10. BACK IN MY DAY! The only aura which was awesome was the Fallen Bishop Ghost Aura. There was no emperium aura back then lol
  11. Me and a few other players (Cirrus, Kyle, Ron and Hikarii) have created a new game on fRO. So here we are, in hoping, other players get the chance to play with us. The game goes like this. For example: You start with... BACK IN MY DAY! I DID NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF MVP CARDS. (This part can be any experience you first had/met/known when you first play ForsakenRO or any other older Ragnarok Online servers) The next person will continue like this... BACK IN MY DAY! I GOT SO LAZY GETTING TO JOB 50 I KILLED HODES AND CHANGED JOB AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. (credited to Cirrus) And so forth.. SO without further a do, I will start the game first! BACK IN MY DAY! I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU NEEDED 150 DEX IN TOTAL TO INSTANT CAST SKILLS LOL
  12. Welcome! I have seen you around before! I hope you make a lot of new friends!
  13. LOL reading Cirrus's profile feed, oh the hilarity of it.

    1. Nas
    2. Danny


      You should really read them, its really funny and stupid.

  14. Nice nice! I'm glad someone seem to be enjoying their time on fRO! If you have any questions! Just ask away ok?
  15. Hello Frederico!!! and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game. LINKS General: Suggestions Sections Strategy Guides Section Help Desk Section Guild Recruitment Forsaken RO Commands - Very Useful & Helpful for farming/questing/mvping Custom Items/Maps/Cards/Mobs - Learn about fRO customization Custom ForsakenRO Quests - Learn about customized quests on fRO Quests for starters: Forsaken Knight Quest - Storyline Quest Forsaken Legendary Weapon Quest Forsaken Gauntlet Quest Forsaken Legendary Zodiac Aura Quest [Optional]Legendary Quests NPCs location & summarized quest item lists (Credited to Victoria/~ V i c t o r i a ~)
  16. Welcome back!!!
  17. +1 oh man I wanted this hat when I first saw it. Thanks for the guide!
  18. The slot enchanter has been disabled for a long time, I think it was abused in the early years (2007 - 2008) LOL But its okay since Legendary Weapons are 4 slotted, and some weapons are 4,3,2 slotted. @niemono89 can I ask you something about your signature? its been bugging me for awhile, where is the character originated from? Gundam Series? Macross Series?
  19. Danny


    ^ lol this guy! At least credit me :( Hello Ulrich and Welcome to ForsakenRO! Aerofox took my intro! LOL *sigh*
  20. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzza and Happy Holidays to everyone on fRO, their families and friends. Have a wonderful and awesome day!

  21. I, myself, made the post a long time ago and I would think that it would be useful for new players because majority of new players do not bother to go to the forum at all. For which in turn ends up asking the same questions over & over again. So yes, I like to copy/paste this because I like to help new players lol is it that weird or something? should I change the format? Should I not give links at all? I know most players would go "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy welcome to Forsaken RO" and thats it lmao.
  22. This sounds like fun! I wish you people all the best!
  23. Danny

    Star Gladiator Guide

    +1 Ana<3
  24. Sai, I think its very VERY rude and in-appropriate to advertise your designed signatures on someone's else page, albeit it may look good, but please do try to understand other players' personal workspace/workstation. As it clearly states that this page belongs to Aerofox. So why don't you just do it on your own page and other players will eventually come to your page. We are all here to make a sort of living on ForsakenRO, and both of you are very talented, so be professional about it. All I'm asking is, don't be childish and be nice to each other. Let us not make a big deal out of this and be more understanding of others.
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