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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. @At the wedding I didn't noticed my friend collapsed on the floor because of staring at the great cleavage next to me.
  2. Yeah boost it to 200%, class is dead for pvp rn
  3. Gepard should be removed, this has become a farm server and pvp isn't fun anymore.
  4. Alguno aun juega?
  5. Kids gotta ask for nerf everytime they cant handle teamwork, MAN UP.
  6. Guess we will have to know the requirements once BG shows up. Thanks for your kind answer.
  7. I was expecting details in your reply, thanks for the fourth point that did answer one of my questions.
  8. what are the stats of the new weapon?, the requirements for the new stats in rank tier, the requirements for exchanging the books via BG and the drop ratio of these in MVP LootBoxes?
  9. +1 super awesome idea.
  10. +1, mai already feeds enough in pvp ladder every week so i dont see no harm for this n_n
  11. u suck
  12. These are the nights that never die.
  13. theres no guide in accesories so far.
  14. Royal Mafia Transcension Influence Treadstone Loli Kingdom Rest in Peace Exctincion Destiny Limitless Honourable Mentions Latin fresh < Exclusive for GvG
  15. Any updated description on the guardian rings? or ws weapons so we know whats buffed and whats nerfed pls?
  16. Hay varios usuarios que hablan español aqui, el mismo admin tambien habla español. Estamos para ayudarte ;)
  17. Where do i start? Any guide or item preview please?
  18. thats because you don't pvp, this lag ruins the raids, pvp fun and everything else. I can tolerate "cheaters" because i still see bots walking around in certain maps and i still see unkillable players, they just bypassed gepard so its the same but with x3 the lag spikes.
  19. It's been very laggy lately, alot of friends from different places of the globe has experienced this lag in the recent days. No idea of what's going on, I haven't experienced this lag ever in the game before.
  20. This looks more like a complain nor than a suggestion. You are actually requesting the GMs to change their way of making decisions towards any situation that would come up at a PvP Event. Now this should be discussed by the GMs, not by the players, they make the rules not us. Let it go, its up to their criteria.
  21. It's up to GM's criteria, you can't pretend to change that with a post.
  22. So everything is staying exactly the same +1,
  23. No te preocupes, hay gente que habla español también y ayudamos a todos =)
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