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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. where is the npc for justice? no clue? :[
  2. I disagree and these are my reasons: Ws got ranged and meele armor break. Creator got ranged and magical damage, their range can break too. Both jobs don't need many cards in headgears to spam, so they can get reducts and still high hp Both jobs got the best supporting skills like full chemical protection and the whitesmith buffs (they're alot im not mentioning any) This job got so many benefits like enlarge weight limit and a cart to carry even more items than other jobs. Like Jasser said: We're talking about full gears so wearing reducts and still getting high hp is possible for these jobs. I disagree.
  3. how about increasing the hp% and the vit given by pally halberd and let odin be the pvp weapon, so pallies get the tank weapon and the pvp weapon.
  4. Halion

    S> Stuff

  5. If it counted as a death then those that are actually laddering with think twice b4 ruining their ratio, It wouldn't matter you can get more kills later.
  6. Halion

    S> Stuff

    List: Orange Raws [ 2000 tokens ] Azure Emperium Aurora [ 9000 tokens ] Sacred Gold Wings [ 2000 tokens ] We can negotiate in game or post your offer here, we can trade to other items too . IGN: QuickSi|ver
  7. They should have the increase weight limit like stalker or sniper sb, i mean why not? remember that gunslingers main skills are desperado and rapid shower and they consume a shitton of seeds, spamming those skills 2 or 3 times burns ur sp down to 0. Seems fair that gunslingers got a one handed pistol but they still don't have the sustain that other jobs got with the valkyrie weapons. +1
  8. I prefer that using a poison bottle counts as a death in ladder, that way they would think twice if they like to go edp and get out, go edp and get out if that was the point of pvp ladder then make it two weeks again and in a smaller map like before.
  9. wtf is umber
  10. Halion

    B>Gvg Tokens

    1000 each pm Cannibal Corpse. pst~ don't judge me
  11. 292
  12. to be honest that one is the best promotional video that we got for our server, if we could remake that...
  13. if your video is better than this one: then i'll be your slave.
  14. dafuq happened with the old topics q_q

    1. Bishop


      Check the archive :)

  15. i only herd of legendary weapons, not weopenz ._.
  16. whats new in the update that every1 talking about

  17. nobody have the red imperial but kerb, why you guys even care?
  18. once you get rich u will understand why
  19. Halion

    Gvg Imps

    What he said ^
  20. to feed enemies
  21. yeah just think about getting forsaken helms and wear them irl! i'd be so amazed :D!
  22. Someone that died..
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