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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. League of Legends.
  2. Halion

    S> Blue Imperial

  3. I guess GVH now is just for hat lovers.
  4. Halion


  5. What Veracity said: "At this time, adding a command like this isn't a viable option. As supream said, just try using @autoloot. Maybe in the future something like this can be added. In any case, thank you for your suggestion!" +1 to the suggestion.
  6. Just agree with me.
  7. Suggestions in monsters: Remove them LOL nvm that ^ Reduce guardians hp to 150m and barricades 20m.
  8. Guardians should have less hp than emp. Barricades should have like 20m hp. Increase the % of the required items to rebuild the guardians/barricades.
  9. Do you really need a reward for voting? i mean this is the server where you play, if you want to vote to make it grow its your decision but there shouldn't be a reward for it. Anyways i'd say to keep it to 1 voting token but fix the 12 hours delay to let us vote every 12 hours.
  10. i'd quit LOL
  11. I disagree because using a f.helm is like the main idea of the forsaken set, don't make the drop rate higher for imps because that would mess its current price and rarity. Imperials are more a luxury than a need. +1 to Edu
  12. make it 0.01%
  13. wow LOL AMAZING
  14. yespls +1
  15. Halion


    Professor Edu is right.
  16. Halion


    man there is no need to be rude q_q alright alright i got my pw changed already so im fine now x)
  17. Halion


    hi who are you?
  18. Halion


    if its on support they are going to put the tag saying " Solved " but it won't be solved lol.
  19. Halion

    Best Anime?

    dragon ball z !
  20. Halion


    Fix the change password option in forsaken-ro.net because it always says " unavaliable at this moment "
  21. amon ra is goes in footgear.
  22. oh you are that sinx who is always afk dead in for_fild? nice guide!
  23. 4k +
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