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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. I GOT 1 FRIEND!
  2. no chances should be allowed
  3. nice videos
  4. sighhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. Halion


    got banned from ladder fml
  6. the effect of the thor's hammer is wrong instead of 40% it should be 50% check it!
  7. wow man LOL
  8. oh man afk tokens
  9. help me br0 i just made my new account because i forgot the other pass q_q IGN: t0ni0
  10. Im recruiting players to join my GvG guild. Salary for the Members per day: Tuesday's Salary if win: 10 E.tokens Sunday's Salary if win: 10 E.tokens + 5 Ygg Berry ticket Special Sunday's Salary: If the player did a good GvG ( depends on my criteria ) He/She will be getting 1 GvG Token. You probably asking why only on Sunday and not in Tuesday? Im will be saving the gvg tokens to get prizes for those loyal members to help them grow and get better in PvP. So what are you waiting for? Join us! PM Jet. for invite PD: Lithium Guild will only do Guild vs Guild events, not a woe guild.
  11. Halion

    Valkyrie Classes

    what he said.
  12. Halion

    The New Kafra

    The new kafra got almost everything, what about the old decarder or refiner? are they going to be removed?
  13. the week is finally over ...

  14. time to ask to helical!
  15. It is very interesting may I join? -Nitro
  17. sigh..................

  18. Halion

    Skins Us

    i feel your pain q_q skins UK > skins US but skins us got this sexual stuff that made it interesting :P
  19. not everyone uses thana on champ and its dumb to use it because the thana works much better on other jobs like sniper/stalker or even on sinxs why would someone use a champ with thana <.< unles they got thana 2 spare lol
  20. GL to all !!
  21. wear expert ring with the "anti sniping" prefix of a monster i forgot, it gives autopneuma :p
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