The forsaken king armor, boots, cloak and shield got their image changed so there shouldn't be any problem with scams right?
There is a new set released it be the Knight Set and all of the sprites look amazing but 1 of the parts, yes the helm.
Well this helm seems to be very easy to scam so here my suggestion is to change image of the helm and the sprite to make it look hotter idk like... a silver valk?
The Golden Valkyrie Helm and above those are way the best upper headgear in the game, then comes the F.helm with recolors, but now comes the F.knight helm so it should be something special like a silver valk! or a better looking helm than just a normal iRO sprite helm don't you think so?
Probably i didn't explain myself very well there ^
But if you agree with the suggestion about changing the look of the F.knight helm just click on add post and write!