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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. Halion

    Tera Online

  2. oh yeah i would wear a valk helm irl n_n
  3. 400 tokens
  4. did u shave that moustache?
  5. 2000 ea
  6. not going to happen
  7. he has a point, and nobody but kerb got the red imperial so it wouldn't hurt at least, a recolor wouldn't be bad.
  8. Halion

    Kafra Hairband.

    the damage would still be high + high speed bolts = dead, i disagree
  9. Halion

    Dota 2

    na bro i ain't wasting mine
  10. Halion

    Its Over

    My time in fosaken-ro has ended, I really enjoyed the years i spent in the server and i really appreciate the people i met since 2008. Goodbye to all these guys: Max, Cole, Mello, Chris, John, Reggie, Eduardo<3 GM Justice Darren - November thunder Randy, Johan! Uncaged all [P]AINS Carlos Somdara (who are u) Genesis Hugo :] David Dadron3 Linda Ramen2 Specially to someone i did not mention he is DA BIEL Those who i did not mention were because i don't really care about PD:fk a nines, maria smd<3 macman, exodus, kankurou, lucy, bass son aquellos que ya hicieron quit pero siguen alli dentro del corazon de fro :]
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  11. Even if their magic attack is lowered, i'd use gtb because either i die from high speed spam of bolts or lag because i can't move when i get spammed of bolts. Lets be honest, since niness quit and dudu is inactive there are no professors that take serious their job, these guys would fight with all skills a prof got, but today and everyday i see profs that would only go on suicide mode, full matk and if it don't work they're like " wow im screwed ". Reduce the damage, make the valk weapons worth the tokens they spend to get it using all their skills.
  12. Took me more than 1hour to get 1 and its price don't even worth the time spend to get the gold key, even the gold that the grand peco dropped worth higher than the gold bullion. Better farm zeny in for_fild06.
  13. they look ugly
  14. just use f,shield with usakoring and a gr + tao
  15. Halion

    Something To Say.

  16. Halion

    Event Suggestion

  17. Halion

    Full Divest Nerf

  18. with loki you get more hp because of the bonus stat, but with sinx crit your build would be awesome since it gives more aspd means you don't have to use much agi. my personal opinion would be sinx crit because the i've broke more times with sinx crit than thana dagger or loki's and i've tested all of them for a long time during woes.
  19. Champions don't need a party unless they're in trouble aganist one, even fighting a full party i wouldn't call anyone unless they really kicking my ass, well thats my opinion. Instead of non donation we could make a free for all pvp room that would be cool, different prizes and different ladder system ftw :] @Nelly What is the point in letting newbies get into non donation pvp room if they're going to get bully by the veterans that are laddering in there? your point nelly is to get easy kills more than working for them.
  20. Exclude the non donation pvp room from the pvp ladder and i'll agree to this.
  21. sure
  22. Halion


    Well its february and we still have the xmas theme, could you update it ?
  23. so much fun. :sarcasmintended:
  24. it happens to me all the time just make sure you got enough str to carry qq ( happened to me like 3 times lost 15 seed tix )
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