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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. no i disagree, why? this is a high rate server so no status shit to disable us, only sleep skill from bacsojin but besides that status problem sux ! thats the reason we can get up to 300 stat on each atribute right? <.<
  2. yep good for me, fill that place with clones :D
  3. Halion


    Welcome ^^ PD: Ignore nines.
  4. yeah thats what happened with me and radix until certain point..
  5. there are no good profs anymore, and about the sniper well they just gave a chance to use shield because people couldn't even play sniper since they were always pwnd by anything <,< taking it off is just stupid man! i think its ok to increase the damage taken from the 35% of usakoring, make it like 25% for snipers , and take out the 15% of stalker soaring bird <,< if is the case they have to take out that 10% reduction of kitty claws its ok cause they're useless -_- i get same damage like if i were using the elite katar and i do same damage with both of them <,<
  6. hey they look cool good job
  7. Halion

    Kitty Claws

    dude spam is so fked up, i could do more than 4-5 and keel everyone, but now it got delayed, my conection is ok and my spam skills are great i can tank same amount of damge but why! i think kitty claws got nerf or something because i can actually go faster with normal katar <.<
  8. Halion

    Kitty Claws

    i will just use my 4 kiels and try to do 7 sonics again :( dis is BS man!
  9. Halion

    Kitty Claws

  10. Halion

    Kitty Claws

    You can't do above 4-5 sonic blow spam with this, using 3 kiels and the "-10% after cast delay" of the kitty, so is same BS i can still use 4 kiels and use a normal katar to do it <.< suggestion reduce more the after cast delay so it would be actually more useful than the normal katar, because about dex and vit, is same for me i can still get 260k without the new katar and do heavy damage means the new katar only give some SP and some dex, thats it? other weapons give like 40% more on ranged attacks?, strip chances?, break chance? give katar strip shield or something to make it actually useful <.<
  11. yeah is a eternal competition xP
  12. o hi! u dun know me but i stalk u gg
  13. 1vs1 pvp have more cons than pros, don't need to explain use ur own mind <.< about big gangs, dude u bring gang and i bring my gang, the better gang wins! + more kills for you, whats wrong in gangs? xP about prohibit people who won ladder?, is like man i won ladder and they ban me for 1 week to not ladder, oh gtfo i can ladder the weeks i want, up to myself if i win or lose u guys should try to ladder in a row <,< it sucks!
  14. i got scammed many times like dis LOL not new.
  15. In RMS says MVP room= no if people who finds the server in rms and see there is MVP room they will be like "oh this easy" then when they get int, "wtf i have to use prof? gtfo." i don't agree
  16. indeed, it shouldn't be counted <.< Ladder is different than any of other events, is 24/7! There should be like a kills log so gms check the people they've killed like, if this guy killed 50 times the same guys means he cheated. there no more proof to report gm did his job very well
  17. Halion

    Pk-No Pk

    then just enable PK on for_fild :p
  18. ey men DEVO ME!!

  19. I just checked the people banned from ladder and it use to say forever, but since that rule changed those who were banned from ladder started laddering again and who knows if they cheated or not, my suggestion is to bring back that "banned forever" from ladder because if is just for some weeks they will be free to do it again and again on other characters/account changing their names. opinions!
  20. how it wold be abuse?, they just found a place to summon mvps and kill them alone is that abuse? !! now mvp is boring they die in one asura <.<
  21. you can do anything with just making an effort!

  22. no man if im not wrong there was a map with some cages where profs used to spawn mvps there and many others used to, also since there was a good number of profesors, they used to dispell each other and while they alted snipers to kill their own mvps on those cages but gms forbid the warp to that map for some reason! nga i got thana there!
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