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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Halion

  1. Halion

    Storage On Woe

    most of people who use BM can type @storage and restock because you need to enter before typing or alt+? if its hotkeyd but still you just can't do that so often or you get killed -_-
  2. what is this item "Anihilation Ladder Token"?
  3. Halion

    Voting Tokens

    yes pls
  4. Halion

    Storage On Woe

    what's the bad thing? you can restock yourself in woe, not my case tho i always run out and have to relog to get restocked
  5. Halion

    "manly Auras"

    this is OP and the new auras should have this: +20 All stats +8%HP +10% to demi-human and "usable on champion"
  6. i agree
  7. I agree with this.
  8. it is still wrong :S
  9. put back the guild hideout but with less buffs than before, because the original ones were overpowered.
  10. if thats the case then every guild can join the guild hideout, like each guild got its own place in the guild hideout npc :p
  11. if it was without the buffer npc then the guild hideout would be like a normal savepoint, no fun in that plus people have to pay to be in there, means it would be useles without the buffer.
  12. maybe make the guild hideout bidding like more often like every two weeks there is a bid for it :p

  14. Halion

    Flower Aura

    you know whats not fair?, those who bought the flower before it was a vote reward -_-
  15. what was the point in releasing the white/teal stuff if i can just change the color of my imp/emp, why there are many recolors of the sacred gold wings if i can just pick any and change its color later? naa this suggestion seems to be pretty dumb sorry -1
  16. well i just noticed that in the update you can see some new loading screens, but i can't see them it all turns black when the screen is loading :( i can play normally but the weird stuff is that the load screens are just black to me, how can i fix this!
  17. Halion


    Update the "Hall of Fame" please, the ladder prizes are wrong
  18. Halion


    the point of having a mvp with high hp for newbs it to kill it and making allies if it is necesary.. plus there are not only newbs who hunt mvps -_- thanatos was the easiest mvp to kill because a solo sniper could take him out in like less than 5 minutes in a team of 3-4 thanatos falls in less than that so mvps must have its hp boost back!
  19. Halion


    The MVPs now have lost the fun part of killing them and it was to play together to get the card, well the MVPs before used to be fun because you could see like 4-5 guys killing it in groups or ksing it, but now only one comes and sonic blows the mvp like 3 times and its dead -_- And also summoned ones like Thanatos can be easy to KS... My suggestion is to increase back the hp of all mvps because they don't entertain ppl anymore, even newbs get them with 1 asura or a couple of DS PS:I failed in english grammar x_x
  20. i have been getting errors in for_fild and fcity maps so i want to know why? this is the code: Module Name: C:\Program Files\ForsakenRO\Fkenro.exe Time Stamp: 0x477b78c8 - Wed Jan 02 06:43:04 2008 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x005239b0 Fkenro.exe 0x005bb92b Fkenro.exe 0x00599412 Fkenro.exe 0x005b5377 Fkenro.exe 0x0057012c Fkenro.exe 0x005700d4 Fkenro.exe 0x00678a0f Fkenro.exe 0x00699c0a Fkenro.exe 0x76883677 kernel32.dll 0x77cf9f02 ntdll.dll 0x77cf9ed5 ntdll.dll eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x00189218 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x716f0dd8 esi: 0x124cc510 edi: 0x006e0215 ebp: 0x00189088 esp: 0x00189080 stack 00189080 - 00189480 00189080 : A2 D3 55 00 10 C5 4C 12 F0 91 18 00 2B B9 5B 00 00189090 : 21 58 51 16 90 AA 3E 13 70 B9 43 19 70 B9 43 19 001890A0 : BC 01 A8 00 00 00 A8 00 72 01 76 1B 27 4D 00 00 001890B0 : B0 46 77 00 25 90 18 00 F0 A4 FA 15 D4 91 18 00 001890C0 : 73 01 99 1B 27 4D 00 00 58 92 18 00 10 C5 4C 12 001890D0 : A8 12 E5 12 4E 50 43 5C 70 37 19 03 43 5F 30 31 001890E0 : 30 00 00 00 00 90 18 00 01 00 00 00 88 7E E8 0B 001890F0 : 48 00 19 03 70 01 19 03 10 23 FD 18 F8 39 19 03 00189100 : BC 35 6B 00 98 90 18 00 48 91 18 00 DC 91 18 00 00189110 : 10 23 FD 18 17 43 CF 77 10 23 FD 18 00 00 00 00 00189120 : 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00189130 : 80 71 71 00 80 71 71 00 1C 27 B0 73 B4 A6 48 A1 00189140 : 01 00 00 00 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 39 91 41 00 00189150 : 12 41 77 00 4E 50 43 5C 31 5F 45 54 43 5F 30 31 00189160 : 2E 73 70 72 00 12 E5 12 44 6F 6D 61 63 4B 20 3A 00189170 : 20 70 6F 6E 74 65 20 76 65 72 67 61 40 23 FD 18 Launch Info 00A6 00E4 00CB 00A4 0000 0010 0099 0182 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Champion help me :(
  21. Halion

    Sacred Gold Wing

  22. Halion

    Two Weeks? Ok.

    The current pvp room is always with people even in woe and giving a bonus in prize should be good for winners, about those who disagree well they may have loads of berries already or just never won ladder b4 i don't know The thing is that two weeks means double effort in pvp ladder. Talking about the prize of the wings... well they worth the same or even less.
  23. but ppl didn't realize that each time you die in ro you just respawn, means he never always reborn! then jet. lol'ed
  24. well the donation weapons got a pretty cool look but elite weapons don't Example: when you fight or recieve damage you can see the weapon hitting the opponent - valk weapon case when you fight or recieve damage you see that you're actually punching the enemy, not wep sprite or idk what is it, i just can't see my elite wep. Suggestion: Give a cool image to elite weps so it becomes attractive to ppl. PD: I can punch ppl from far with my sniper bow wtf?
  25. what he said nines.
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