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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. This happens because of Gepard Shield file is corrupted.
  2. Missing sprite and act. file Gepard is a horrible RO Shield.
  3. So i changed the NPC clientside to this https://gyazo.com/adf62b8abbce1127f6a94255fab27b78 . I'm not erroring anymore. Temporarily replaced the sprites.
  4. I tried the latest KRO kRO_FullClient_20171009.zip fully patch over your LITE installation and it Gepard_Crash_Log me over and over. I had to reset my position on control panel to stop the annoying error. I also installed the full-all-in-one. Same problem. Any other solution?
  5. Let me give that a try.
  6. Maybe swap the NPC ID/Sprites? This NPC 4_M_RAIRYKID5 errored me
  7. Talented. Bravo.
  8. Thanks to all the developers involved in expanding the fate of gods storyline. This is what you call a strong and dedicated server. Amazing job guys.
  9. My birthday in 10 days! Party~ Wishing for a happy birthday from my lovely people.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bboygarrison


      Advanced Happy Birthday to you ^^

      you're already happy, PLUS u got a birthday comin xD how cool iszat?

    3. Victoria


      Advance Happy Bday! :)

    4. Princess Sammi
  10. That sexy United Kingdom accent

  11. What party are we speaking here? I'm in it for the money. This is no democracy.
  12. Life's a game and its not fair, I break the rules so I don't care.

  13. Perishable

    The Story Game

    to my bed and
  14. True. The person below me will be dina and now you gotta come out and go eat with me and kuoch. Foods on me.
  15. Started from the bottom now we here nigga.
  16. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

  17. That day was wet.
  18. gib me kiss sir
  19. I'm gonna pop some items.. only got 20 tokens in my storage! I'm h-h-huntinggg, looking for more tokens.. this is fking scammingg...
  20. We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give.

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