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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Influence.
  2. Yeah why does it have int boost?
  3. The heck is wrong with this place. You get a 500 dollar FINE if you drive after 4 PM in this blizzard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. supream


      think of it this way this is for people who go out knowing theres a blizzard and then get into trouble and put the emergency group at risk.

    3. Perishable


      yeah I realized that too

    4. Drunk


      Wow! With that money you could have gotten 17,500 Tokens!!!!!!!

  4. 420 no scope 360 no vision.
  5. Wow what a blow out. All those Dallas cowboys superbowl wins

  6. He's in my city and I did wanted to meet him but I don't know about now.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noir


      That's why you call me sister, ofcourse :D

    3. Drunk


      Som, looking at those screenshots I see you got lots of spare emperiums. Can I have one? Q_Q

    4. wiwi


      half a decade worth of memories..definitely been a long and fun run

  7. I'm gonna pop some tags. Only got twenty dollars in my pocket.

    1. Drunk


      I love that song!

    2. Drunk


      I was gonna buy that song on Itunes. But, Damn That Shit 99 Cents!

  8. I'm gonna pop some tags. Only got twenty dollars in my pocket.

    1. Munchiesz


      that was kinda gay 27 vs 3 lol

    2. Perishable


      The funny thing is I know the girl in the blue. and the asian guy with the tatted arm from Boston

    3. Cherry Kiss
  9. uneber on skype no moarr

  10. Good taste in music.
  11. Eeveee!!!!! Water or Soda
  12. Nice guide. What's your twitch channel? :3
  13. have u seen my pet charlieee?

    1. Rayray


      charlie is online just now haha.

  14. who dis ugly girl? y u - chan. tu a wu warrior? ah? mafakur. i no lie dis shittt niggaaaaaa.

  15. I'm up for it. I made 4 guides back in 2010 but I never really posted it. I can update it with the new stuff we have now and keep it up to date. +1
  16. I can guide you in game if you're online.
  17. Welcome to fkenRO.
  18. Why doesn't your screenshot have the date of the screenshot and the fRO symbol?
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