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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. LMAO. CARLOS. Those were the days!
  2. What do you mean? Use @mi "monster id or name" to find out the percentage drop rate of items.
  3. It's a matter of last hit that destroys and conquers the castle now. Just rush on your SinX and hope you do the damage that hit it on its last hit. Back in the days were fun when there weren't a lot of breakers. It was much easier too and you can tank better than the new valkyrie weapons boost coming at ya. I don't break as much as before now. Too many breakers. I only break once in a while and get it last min. Just try building your own ways and damage. The Emperium id is 1288. Use @mi 1288. Recommended cards are Desert Wolves, Orc Skeleton, Abysmal Knight, Atroce, and Turtle General. & Don't forget glooms.
  4. I retired.
  5. Thanatos is easy to get if you started way back. They were 500-1.5k. Also at one time, it was 1% drop rate. Most of the thanatos weren't mine though. They were my uncles. He was Sora Hikari. But yeah, we're family. I don't play now. I don't have alot of these stuff anymore. I passed them out to my loyalty. They know who they are. Thanks for being there for me.
  6. Lets start by introducing who I am. My name is Som, short for Somdara. I'm an old player here. I've been here since late 2007 when the server was freshly running. After a year or so, I got hooked and was addicted to this server. I finally joined the forums and and started following Forsaken Online. Everyday I keep myself updated and logged on the forums to check on announcements and the general stuff. As of now, I'm inactive but I still do visits. I've had lots of experiences and a history here on fRO. I wanted to show everyone how great it is through screenshots that I randomly snapped. I never really made an introduction ever since. So yeah, here it is. Ooh, waitt. Yeah I forgot. Before I do that. How about I let you guys see how I look like first. Yup, that's me. This was recently taken at the night of my senior prom. Don't hate grasshoppah, get on dis level first. WHEN YOU SEE THESE. YOU WILL BE LIKE DAMN, WHERE HAVE I BEEN? JK JK Ok, ok. FORSAKEN RAGNAROK ONLINE EXPERIENCES. I'm just gonna paste random orders. SO YEAAAAA. THESE R THE ONLY ONES I CAN PULL UP. :( My Team Good we don't really need a mascot. But we do need an Emblem. Gotta Love doing pvp ladders when you can get above 1000 kills in pvp. Triumph Guild Treasure! Donated for a gangstar scarf and it was a goggle. I must say. It felt good getting it for the first drop in the co-leader of triumph guild. Jelly~~~~ deserves it. How I look when I ladder. Scary as hell, jk jk. I find myself pretty sexy. Never judge santa clause. he can double penetrate you. My first bot I banned! I bet you don't have all these in 2010 :3. Team Supastar takes the win! Lending is loving. I miss jerry being mad verbal. First few blue Imp. On the first box. Solo'd this with my boy Chris. This internet gangster called be a Bi***** Love how fcity was packed. For a Pink RAW? WHY NOT Ofc. I was the one helping you before. That's why you remmeber me and pm'd me. smh.. Gotta love how crowed fcity was. Had this screenshot. This name is funny. It was a good trade for one thana. 2010 when black emp and stuff were the boss. The buff advantage I must say :3 When dorcus gave me 158 aspd. UDHH FOOKK 2010 with 20k token aka Coupon. When a sniper does 999k on my lk. Uncle and I. Team Legion Take 2 Team Dennis You wish you all had this much when I combined it with my cousin and uncle. And 5 more in weapon! Need a lesson? Memory Regret selling my black emp for that much. First to finished the map to the city of gold. First to also finished Legendary Weapon quest. The Conspiracy 3 in 1 day Turbo Spam Swag weapon Horny time. Trade? ok ^_^ Small sons Twin<3 7 against 19 online. 7 wins What's this? Everything I need for LK 2x attk rdy to asura gurkak. Team Solo win! It only takes 3 of us to win that day. Lk, alt sinx, simon, and alec. :) that b**** dead. Flirting with simon. Is it just a hit and run? Killing spree! Everything I use just to play LK and still suck. 69 I must say LOL. When you do quest with your friends. All ya peeps. No randoms. Gotta love donating. Nicolee<3 Night when we argued. When I finally reached 30 gvg token. 20! Azure IMp Azure Emp Azure Sacred (: My Umber Imp token! ugly? yessurr. That's all for now. I miss being active to do all these again.
  7. I had 2. I don't know where the other one went. Yes, I do agree this should come back. It its a great card for boots and it makes Forsaken dungeon more fun farming. Randomly finds Dungeon Keeper when you're farming.
  8. I'm just glad the server is promoting this idea and getting the server out there. Hopefully it works and good luck Forsaken!
  9. Vickie Rosie and 849 others like this.
  10. I hate that. The bombrings NPC detonator thingy 1 - 10 is still stuck on my assassin cross. I haven't gone on it in so long.
  11. It isn't everlasting if you're not even close. A quote I made and live by, only I who really understands it. Been with me since I was 13.
  12. Great update. And Zeal, your siggy of Pauly D, his face is funny.
  13. Hell yeah Sheyla. The person below me can't beat me in a One on One ball up.
  14. Perishable

    The Story Game

    "and then a sniper"
  15. Perishable

    The Story Game

    "a guy tried to..."
  16. If thats so. I'm gone forever.

    1. Celestial


      :( Noooo why! People will miss you.

    2. Drax


      I don't know what to do when monkey born

    3. Centurion
  17. You can see it still. Just not in the new castles.
  18. ^_^ cann I kiss youu. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

  19. True. I used to play Volleyball in middle school. We won the tourney so.. yes, I like to play volleyball. The person below me is very talented in what they do.
  20. Found every single NPC except Bombring that gives Detonator's number 5.
  21. Like srsly, ohhh mahh gahddd.

  22. Yea I have to agree with Ryou's input. "This hat would be WAY better than any other available hat in the game, especially in combination with the weapons."
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