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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. True. United States of America The person below me has a photo.
  2. I don't think Gravity team removed the Socket Enchanter, we did. Even if it was turned down a couple of times. There are reason for people to keep suggesting for this. I'm up for it until other people give a better reason for us to not have this. Ice Pick isn't worth anything. Even with socket enchanter. Thanatos seem to be higher in drop rate. Ice Pick is 1%. Ice Pick[1] is 0.01%. Thanatos is .7% and 1.4% on floating rate. Either way. Gameplay.
  3. Very well! I like spicy food. This is TRUE. The person below me is very gorgeous.
  4. This is one crazy fight. Bradley is undefeated. Record of 28 and 0.
  5. Someone I used to know.

    1. Nelly
    2. masterneil


      hmm who is it...? xd

  6. Nope. I'm not supporting this commendation.
  7. Hey dude. Welcome to facebook.
  8. Here's a movie for ya. http://youtu.be/zClRXN92RuA mee
  9. Just search for it by scrolling. This is not that important than other issue we have.
  10. You can't really change the configuration of how WoE 2.0 is build. It'll always be 2 Stone, 3 Barricade in their places. And 10 minutes is too long to repair. WoE 2.0 is only 60 minutes. We're on a 7 minutes cool down for repair time. It is up to the guild leader to repair the barricade fast by going to the controls. So they know which to build first.
  11. Sup I'm not supporting this idea of having an Emperium testing room. What's the point? It will only be them hitting it. It'll obviously be the tester destroying it because they're the only one on it. Although, you want to see what card compounds into weapon hit with the highest damage and test. Emperium gets destroyed not only by the highest damage but high damage helps drain down its hp faster. What matters is the person who melee's the Emperium. If that person does enough damage of what the Emperium's HP is left with last hit, they are announced the conqueror of that castle. What you want is to be the last attack speed of physical hit that damage enough to destroy the Emperium and be that last guy to do that.
  12. Everything should be in the Wiki. If not, you can PM me. I can help you.
  13. I agree with you.
  14. Sounds fine. It should be if someone builds int type, the cape should give int type. If they build vit type, the cape should give vit effect. Just like stalker elite dagger or bow. You can go different types on stalker.
  15. Glad you came (Cover) by Megan Nicole<3
  16. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller, doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

  17. Especially putting the time to alt. client, ya'know? ahah.
  18. I'll be right here waiting for youu.
  19. I finished Dexterity Rune with Drax and a few other friends. Working on Strength Rune now. This one is a pain in my hands. D: Anyways! Good-job GM Team. You guys did a great job working together and coming up with an awesome Storyline. I enjoyed reading articles and searching up for clues and hints based on The Havamal.
  20. Rolling in the deep.

  21. Since we have a new Post your picture thread, here we go.
  22. 250-300 seems reasonable. I'm up for it.
  23. Black Ear Cat for Skull Hood
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