Perishable's Play!
The Forsaken Ragnarok Story
This is a just a story I'm going to make up because I'm very bored. Please guys, no hard feelings.
(Thanatos - You must find the Job Mistress to advance further.) Scene I -In Forsaken City. ; Entering Perishable and Epic as a Novice.
Perishable - What's up, Ken? How's everything man? *Hand Shake with Epic*
Epic - Living the life as a Tree, Som, like a tree. Everything is great man. How about you?
Perishable - Me? Haha, can't say much but I'm loving my life right now.
Epic - That's great man! Good to hear that.
Perishable - Thanks bro.
Epic - Ooh yeah, Som!
Perishable - Yeah, what's up Ken?
Epic - I'm going on a journey to become an Assassin Cross. I was just wandering if you wanted to tag along with me.
Perishable - Yes, that'll be great! I was planning to become an Assassin Cross too! Though, I didn't know
where to start. I met Thanatos before I entered Forsaken City and he told me to find Job Mistress. So, I'm guessing she can help us guide through our journey to becoming an Assassin Cross.
Epic - I've met him too! He said the same thing. Alright Som, I guess we're on the right path then. Lets go look for Job Mistress.
Perishable - Ohkay! But before we start, lets change our hair, and clothes.
Epic - Yeah, I don't like my hair red. I might just dye it white.
Perishable - Okay! After we're done, lets start our journey.
[The two novices walking to the Stylist.]
Stylist - Hello, fellows! How can I help you today?
Perishable - Me and my buddy Epic wants to dye our hair and buy some clothes.
Epic - Yup.
Stylist - Ah, sure. No problem! Look through these books and picture and tell me what numbers would you like me to style on you.
Epic - Ok.
Perishable - Sure.
Epic - I'd like a number 5 on the hair with 8 for my dye.
Stylist - Yeah, sure. *granted Epic as he wished*
Epic - Ahaha I look beautiful.
Perishable - Cool!! You got some swag bro. Is it my turn yet?!!?!!?!
Stylist - Yup, tell me what you want.
Perishable - Okay! For my hair, I'd like a number 7 with 158 dye.
Stylist - As you wished. *granted*
Perishable - Ooh my! I got more swag than you Ken!
Epic - Pst! Som, please!
Perishable - Hahaha I'm just saying... Should we begin our journey now?
Epic - Lets do this.
[Exiting Forsaken City to Forsaken Field One]
TO BE CONTINUED..... I'll write scene 2 later. The story will be based on how we play and begin RO. Even if you hate it and think it's stupid, no need to start flaming. Thanks. This is for the people that wants to read it.
Anyways, good so far? or no? :(