The timezone is truly hard for you due to your schedule in my opinion, not the server. If they change the timezone of European/Asian WoE now, it could affect the time of the people who could attend only at the current time, which can also lead them to the same situation as you. I don't agree on removing Friday's Euro-Asian WoE. Friday is a Saturday on the other side of the world. But changing WoE 2.0 to thursday seems reasonable. Since there are two woes on Fridays. But my other input in this is have two days for WoE 2.0 just like our normal WoE. A guild capturing WoE 2.0 castle for an entire week is long. WoE is the best event in fRO. I appreciate all the updates and changes already so I don't really mind if this doesn't get an adjustment. This is just some things that I'd like to discuss about.
Edit: Sorry, if I I sounded rude.