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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. I would like to participate but I don't know what program to use.
  2. True The person below me is currently attending college.
  3. Yes, I always put a smile on my face. The person below me has a cat name fiddlesticks.
  4. False! The person below me is atleast 5 feet tall.
  5. Perishable

    So New

    lol. weird one!! anyways welcome to the server
  6. Looking forward to the Halloween updates! Got $$$ to donate.

  7. I miss you Katherine!

  8. What did you agree to then? There's no explanation than "+1". Though, I agree with you Chris, I'm not against you. I respect you and I agree with the removal of Pneuma skill. It dodges all long-ranged skills but... so what? Whitesmiths have Throw Tomahawks to fight back when wearing a Thor. Being able to Throw Tomahawks and Pneuma on range class isn't fair, not at all as Chris stated. Long-ranged class spams yggs while Whitesmiths with Pneuma on have more advantages.
  9. I'm tired of reading a +1 post. It doesn't explain anything since people keep imitating it. It's not cool anymore. Why do you even +1? I just want to read this story about Whitesmiths bro, no hard feelings.
  10. This is a heck of a movie.
  11. Perishable

    What If.

    "If" you read it, I have my reason to quote it :). That's why I did it. Smart eh? I got my if :DDDDD
  12. Perishable

    What If.

    If you die today, it'll be a holiday. What if I had the world under my control. I am trying to take over the world and destroy it. Make the world run by monkeys. What would you do to stop me?
  13. Explicit! They're very nice. I wish I could do that!
  14. Nice to know, Jolt. Hope I bump into you in game.
  15. Welcome.
  16. pm me in game so we can negotiate.
  17. Nah, it's okay. I'd rather not. :d Alot is being done already. Don't want to ask for much.
  18. The timezone is truly hard for you due to your schedule in my opinion, not the server. If they change the timezone of European/Asian WoE now, it could affect the time of the people who could attend only at the current time, which can also lead them to the same situation as you. I don't agree on removing Friday's Euro-Asian WoE. Friday is a Saturday on the other side of the world. But changing WoE 2.0 to thursday seems reasonable. Since there are two woes on Fridays. But my other input in this is have two days for WoE 2.0 just like our normal WoE. A guild capturing WoE 2.0 castle for an entire week is long. WoE is the best event in fRO. I appreciate all the updates and changes already so I don't really mind if this doesn't get an adjustment. This is just some things that I'd like to discuss about. Edit: Sorry, if I I sounded rude.
  19. Day off from school . College day. What's a good college to look at in Massachusetts?

    1. Genesis
    2. Perishable


      Boston University was great but I'm not sure about Boston College. I'll look at more colleges. I got good reviews from the ones you listed though. Thanks, Admin.

  20. No matter what the effect of gvh is now, I'm still rocking that thang~~
  21. If you find out, let me know. I want to learn too!
  22. Last Friday Night - Katy.
  23. Read what he says and take note. He will ask a few questions. There is more than just 'Servant'. A prompt will pop up again and you must answer them. You got the first one right but there are more after it. You'll do fine, don't give up. The quest is really fun and you will always want to keep searching for what to do next.
  24. I also think WoE 2.0 should be two hours.
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