I disagree with your feedback bro, sorry. From my experience, a lot of players will say the same thing as you. But to me, price range of an item and economy of trade market does not determine anything. The community, game play, and the server is suppose to mean more than just a price of something. The community is what keeping fRO alive. Suggestions, Donation, Reports, Writing reviews and such. Those people... like the guy who suggested this topic is not all about looks, style, swag, well... you get the idea. Most don't care, they want something that does the same effect of something that is rare and have it for your character for PvP than just wearing it for looks and attention. Increasing the drop rate of Imperial Valkyrie Helm isn't that bad. Think about your friends. I mean like I don't mind these updates and effect of the old status were, I'm just supporting this commendation. Update doesn't effect me, but everyone else who lost their +3 from what I see made complaints and argue because it meant something to them. I'm only supporting them because I feel something..