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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. 6 weapons + 2 wings. I offer 6k!
  2. Guns Aurora
  3. To 1000 was fine. This topic is pointless now. I vote on closing this topic.
  4. No thanks. I disagree harddddddddddd!!!! I need to be able to warp to places fast in case of something.
  5. Perishable

    Hi, Sup.

    Perishable. - Champion
  6. Hello everyone! My name is Perishable and I'm GAY.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Perishable
    3. Adum*


      oh baby boy~

    4. Ryuk


      Thanks for sharing. Anyone else wants to share ?

  7. Instead of a Guild Hideout Badge. We need to change this. Allow guild members in a guild who has the hideout to be allowed to warp inside without the person with the badge to ecall everyone inside.
  8. I am doing what kuoch used to do in class. ^_^

  9. Y'know what i mean.
  10. Don't forget to Opposition the Emperium. It's FUN breaking on SG. SG is my 2nd most breaking class in woe. Highest is 14 breaks back in 2009.
  11. 31 for 1.
  12. I thought I told you, I'm a star. You see the ice? You see the cars, flashy lights everywhere we are~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TensaZangetsu


      gay fake thug song

    3.  Ita


      Omg what's that song called again :<

    4. TensaZangetsu


      Jerimih - Imma star

  13. Lots of interesting music but I don't listen to music while PvPing.
  14. I'll share the Omen of Tempest and Wheel of The Unknown.
  15. Merry Christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny


      I hab special candy in my pants, go grab it!

    3.  Ita


      Ewwies Danny, Chu got so little candy...

    4. ramonjordan


      o.o dan dat not a candy cane :O


  17. Wish I was kitty.
  18. There's more Guild vs. Guild rewards coming out soon. It's just like Ice Wings and Green Mythological Wings same as Butterfly Wings effects. Leaving them behind in ladder and pick a new better prize. Ooh, and one more thing. Does all people care about is someone being richer and someone who is poor? I hear this in-game alot. It doesn't matter. That's just the way they are. It's no difference. It's not like we're more superior than anyone else. It's a game. Hard working players who know how to be Pro at selling, trading, oping, and donates are the ones who is considered rich. Just saying. No hard feelings.
  19. I ADD U
  20. Sorry Chris, but I have to disagree too. Even though I have one of the Rucksack. Damage boost will only make us do more damage and such. I know it's harder to obtain but the Teal and White Coloured already makes it look nice and rare. I'll agree if the suggestion has nothing to do with damage boost. If the suggestion was something like when the item is equipped, the rucksack enables your character an aurora around your sprite or something else but nothing with boost, I'll agree to it.
  21. So, if we're moving to a different server box, the control panel won't work right? I get this error trying to log in my account. "Access denied for user 'apache'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"
  22. 1). Instead of Black Emperium Aurora for Annihilation Prize when player reaches 80 Annihilation Certificate of a total of 80 wins, my suggestion is White Emperium Aurora or Teal Emperium Aurora also. We got Guild vs. Guild and the prize for Winged (White / Teal Rucksack) is 8 Guilds vs. Guild Certificate and for Imperial (White / Teal ) Valkyrie Helm is 10 Guilds vs. Guild Certificate. This is my suggesting if we can swap black so we can have matching released items in-game. But if it is a Guilds vs. Guild prize also in the later future, then nevermind about this suggestion. 2). Quest that requires these two following items: -Wheel of the Unknown -Omen of Tempest
  23. I'm one of the person that likes the video because it's horrible. Her lyrics and auto-tune makes her sound like a robot. Doesn't make any sense, but her normal voice is fine.
  24. Once you answer me what you have for champion so far, I'll help you out on what you need for champ. Stats and stuff.
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