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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Nah, I like my size. I also go to the gym. I'm finee
  3. Taylor Swift<333. I FUCKING LOVE HERRR.
  4. Yup. That's me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFqUcJ-hIdg&feature=youtu.be I'm being maddd Silly right now.
  5. Realize something now. Don't wait to realize until their gone. This kid is mad ungrateful.

  6. My girlfriend is hook to the Hunger Games. I'm not hip.
  7. Welcome back bro. I was Co-Leader with Hyaroku in Triumph. I can't recall who you are though. An In-game name might help.
  8. I'm not in it with @warp command having a delay. We use it all the time to get to certain maps. Not always about people warping away from PvP. It is needed based on timing. Trying to warp somewhere quick. Going into Event NPCs, Warping and searching for "..." during hide and seek, warping to a castle, in pvp maps not trying to die. It is part of the game. I do it myself too. If I get stone cursed, i'd warp. Why would I let someone have that chance to kill me? I really don't care being called a warper atleast I'm not dead. Auto @noks. I really don't care. I'm up for suggestion. PvP ladder resets every week already. If you didn't notice. Quest.. I don't mind what happens.. Login tip could work. Useful for players
  9. Friggs Shield is a quest. To start, you must first become elite and then go find Baldr. As for the Saint Patricks Day, one of the quest is located in the Quest Room. Use the Warper NPC in fcity. The other quest is located in one of the major map.
  10. #2475 post. #2472 game.
  11. Log into control panel and reset looks.
  12. Read the informations. It says a group of scientist working on the Silver MvPs monster and doing experiment on it. Relate it to one of the cities that has scientists npc, experiment, laboratory, etc. Search around in that map and also check its field/dungeons. I don't think I can give you information to where it is. Plus, it won't be that fun if you skip to the point to how to do it than just putting work into it.
  13. Emperium Aurora is for status. The status you gain from it is basically like the percentage that is script in other Auroras also. It just depends on the type of game play you build. Rune of Power or Zodiac for higher HP and a few more damages if you don't have any other demi-human stack item equipped. With Emperium Aurora, you can just wear on any class and build it to anything. For an example, if I was to play Champion. I wouldn't use Rune of Power or Zodiac Aurora. I'd build it with Emperium Aurora because Rune of Power have the 8% physical damage to demi-Human. There are already demi-human percentage damage from Dorcus, Goldenring, Fallen Bishop, etc. that I equipped. I'd just use the Emperium Aurora for build. Don't need too much stacks of demi-human. Status is recommended more for damage. You'd like some more physical damage than just towards demi-human. That is just an example why you should build a class with Emperium Aurora because you need status points more. Same goes with Rune of Power and Zodiac. There are classes that recommends HP more and these Auroras fit them. The other effects replace the 5 stats loss away from Emperium Aurora. Emperium Aurora All stats + 25. (If you need status more on what you're playing, use this. Stats toward physical damage. Not just towards certain type of property. Its to all) Zodiac Aurora All stats + 20, Physical Damage +5% Matk+5%, Vit Def -5%, Max HP +5%. ( Use this if you have enough stats and don't need Emperium Aurora. The +5% Physical Damage makes it up and does more. You'd like some -5% off vit defense which is good again Ice Pick or Thana. 5% HP is more than +5 towards vit depending if you have some vits or not.) Rune of Power All stats + 20, Increase damage by 10% and max HP + 8 ( If it was physical damage, I'd use this all day and it is better than Emperium in damage wise but no. It does more demi-human, don't need it. We need the +5 on str or dex or whatever your class requires for more physical damage. Use this for more HP though. 8% MAX HP is more than +5 towards vit. (referring to Emperium Aurora) You gain more from the percentage of your maximum HP. 8 % of it. )
  14. In my opinion Emperium Aurora is better. Gives +5 more stats than ROP or Zodiac. Although, ROP is good for more HP wise depending on your vitality. Zodiac for 5% more HP 5% Physical Damage and such. But Emperium still top them in damage wise and +5 more stats.
  15. Ratemyserver won't tell you who drops them. You actually have to go through @mi or kill monster in fields/dungeons close by.
  16. The Motto - Drake ft. Lil-wayne & Tyga
  17. This would give the server an opportunity cost. Players would hunt and gather zeny to trade for Token rather than Donating. I dislike this suggestion. Sorry. If it was vice versa, it'll like it. Token for zeny. ALL DAY. ALL DAY. ERR DAY
  18. The renewal maps are awesome. I wish all the @go cities were custom like we did with Old Payon as Forsaken City.
  19. Devotion is basically devoting another person with the HP you have on your pally. Taking damages and sacrificing berries. Just build anything. Go high HP. Use what you have and can do. Don't need to be all fancy.
  20. Yup, Lost City of Gold is a quest that was released months ago. It gives you limited access to the dungeon for one week. I think it was basically a gold room but it could ruined the zeny commercial. The dungeon is has Golden Poring monster in it. This monster drop a Gold Bullion at the rate of 0.01%. I could be wrong about the gold room. It could be use for something in the future. I've finished it myself and really had no clue what Gold Bullion is for. Adventurer is in the village of Umbala.
  21. Perishable


    Welcome to ForsakenRO! PM that post above you. Shes a guide to success.
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