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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by fykka

  1. "When you truly hurt someone for even one second, The pain may be etched in their heart forever"
  2. fykka

    What I See And Hear

    I see LINE webtoon. I hear Jessie J - Flashlight.
  3. fykka

    Count To Infinity

  4. fykka

    One Word Story

  5. fykka


    "Don't change to make someone love you, be yourself and let the right one fall for you"
  6. welcome to fRO. Hope you enjoy :)
  7. fykka


    it's token. if zenny usually with M [Million] or B [Billion]. :)
  8. as I know it's not avaiable in store. You need farm it. :)
  9. Welcome to Fro. Enjoy. :)
  10. fykka


    "The more you are in pain, then the more reason for you to smile"
  11. agreeee. +1 :3
  12. Arigatou - Ikimono gakari
  13. 私 :D
  14. fykka

    Count To Infinity

    八百七十八 8 7 8
  15. fykka

    Give me a WORD!

  16. Selamat datang di dunia Fro. :D
  17. welcome. :) hope meet ingame.
  18. you also need Counteragent & Mixture to make dyestuff. :) the guide: http://ratemyserver.net/quest_db.php?type=40000&qid=40002
  19. hello~ :D
  20. currently listening to : chicken attack ?
  21. fykka

    hero's remains

    just wait and hunt it much better. but if u have zenny just buy on the market. or if u need help to kill lost dragon I can help. just pm me, my ign : Fykka
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