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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by fykka

  1. Happy Bday My nuuub Bestie @Julia sophie. Wish you all the best. :3

  2. haha, cause his character in game a girl. ofcourse has it. XD good to know u love it. ?
  3. There is Nondonation ring. The effect half of it if not mistaken. for sniper better use cursed ring than guardian. o:
  4. haha, that's why @Julia sophie b00ly him. XD Hi ❤️ haha. not sure. XD since @Mister is last art for friends.
  5. feel my foot
  6. @Veracity @Danger @Ebisu @Tenjin @Moon @Parity @Estrella @Euphoria
  7. Jebat Shinoda
  8. hhaha :3 Sorry, busy with alot project now. XD someday~
  9. Julia Sophie & the Husband xXx
  10. ada orang Indo jg ign nya: Kharg XX , Kharg VII , Khang Jamu wkwk kali aja bisa temenan. XD
  11. udah bubar. lol kalau cari Indo pm aja : Hatsune<3Miku or Soul<3Matcha. :D artis fRO!hahaha
  12. not active anymore. if need help Indonesian ask @Julia sophie her ign: Hatsune<3Miku or Soul<3Matcha. :D
  13. DINOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Capt. Sai
  14. HMMMMMMM too.... Thanks. can't wait to see your art! Thanks. :) hehe. thanks. ^^ hha. if I have free I will make yours. but not promise, since still alot list that haven't done. @_@~
  15. 君の傍に居たかっただけ I only Wanted to be next to you.
  16. Just kill the weak monster. xD the weak monster alot than strong monster. so no need to felt down just because you not gear yet. only need strom gust and run FAST :D
  17. thanks Yato... :3 will update soon. xD Thanks GM Ebisu <3 Thanks Nas :D
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