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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by ProRenegade

  1. +1 Sinx is as fragile as champions so why shouldnt they get the same mobility as that class? While on this topic, you might want to add high jump aswell.
  2. Im just using sinx as an example and trust me you would need atleast one slot for phreeoni card
  3. MVPs in this server has a high dodge rate so you wouldn't be hitting your target consistently (That's why you don't see a ton of dex mvp sinx).
  4. So the pvp mode @go 15 just got removed..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProRenegade


      So where are noobs like me allowed to practice now?

    3. Ares


      you have for_fild01. you can warp any coordinates you want there. it's a big map.

    4. Rayray


      You can also @duel with friends. And speaking of practice, for_fild is there. If you want to practice pvping well, you don't need warp command.

  5. •Blue Emperium Aurora •+10 Limited Edition Pink Imperial Helm •Full Sinx Cursed Set (SOLD) •Full Bio Blessed Set Leave your offer, will only accept fair trades~~
  6. I dream of a day where men who wears pink won't be stigmatized as gay~
  7. For Braintree you'd want to indicate that if your order exceeds $100, Genesis will ask for proof of credit card ownership.
  8. That damn baby swordsman lol
  9. Do you guys have a base just so I can find you easier?
  10. This wont stop inflation as this inflation is happening because there's no way to liquidate tokens fast enough to catch up with the economy. On the other hand, I agree with this suggestion +1 :D
  11. Shop: https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/ I think you have to talk to Genesis if you're going to donate through paypal
  12. Farm them for me ill pay you 300 toks
  13. Add 300 or make it a gs c ring set
  14. 2.8k each leave your ign :p
  15. I can give you 2 for free right now, if you pm Big Papa in game
  16. Leave ur Offer
  17. 4.5k for purple emp pm me ign: Pek Pek Muncher
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