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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by ProRenegade

  1. No thanks
  2. Buying in pure tokens, no OP pl0x
  3. Drop that inca card since spiral pierce already ignores defense.
  4. +1 if this would apply to all mvps and not just satan morocc
  5. Redoing my entry as I don't know if you guys are going to see if I edit my entry. ign: Facilitate Link: https://twitter.com/Muka0110/status/579796271105347584 http://www.reddit.com/r/RagnarokOnline/comments/31ltex/forsaken_ro/ https://plus.google.com/109802575263172231045/posts/gvYoncCbteQ Image: http://imgur.com/bZ7cNzm,UEpEYJ9,wHicDA1 http://imgur.com/bZ7cNzm,UEpEYJ9,wHicDA1#1 http://imgur.com/bZ7cNzm,UEpEYJ9,wHicDA1#2
  6. No Aerofox, No!
  7. Just a cool collection items, selling it for 90 or 2xFBH
  8. Got a black lhz for 1400
  9. Trading Pally Blessed Set (jacket,odin) = Ws/sniper Blessed Set (jacket)

  10. Okay, thanks! I was just making sure I'm not missing something lol
  11. Is there anyway to leave battlemode on all the time because when I change characters I have to type /bm again?
  12. Trading my LK Blessed Jacket to Pally Blessed Jacket

  13. How can I obtain this item :o?
  14. As to why you only did 1K damage, you probably forgot to enchant your weapon with an element and your enemy is using GR.
  15. A total hangover for me is when you regret your decision to drink the day after. Then tell yourself or God that you won't drink anymore but a week after you soak your liver up with alcohol again
  16. Teal ROP+500 Tokens for it?
  17. Ill buy the F.Blade for 1250?
  18. Looking for a ring maker, willing to pay 700 tokens
  19. If you talk to him on skype and give him your order #, he'll just give it to you right away.
  20. delete this please
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