Thank you for that comment Rayray. Donations aren't meant to make you guys VIPs. The game should always be balanced among ALL PLAYERS whether he/she is a donor or not. Donated items should just be a shortcut from "grinding" the items you wanted PLUS a little bonus on stats. But one good thing about this server is that you can also get those items by "grinding" with lesser effects (like 3-5 status points only if I remember correctly).
Being a donor doesn't give you the right to demand on a lot of things you want to have. If you break the rules, you will be punished.
This has always been a fallacy to a lot of people like you. Most of the time we get complaints like this, it always comes from a banned player who thinks he/she is good enough because he/she SPENT a lot of money. Also, if all else fails, just blame the GM who is, what everyone cries out, in an active guild.
This is not new. Cry if you want to cry. The game is great and if you choose to leave, then leave.
PS: use your main account when you make complaints like this and "be a sport".