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Everything posted by dlsmizel

  1. I built this to somehow kill Champs in WoE. It's not OP because: you need to bring traps (that are heavy) you need to drop the trap (which needs a lot of experience and technique in order to properly place your traps) the damage doesn't do much. although to some jobs, it will definitely kill you if someone is near you, you can't trap. hence, a way to counter this is to get near the Sniper I don't fine it OP go back to #5
  2. Hold on. I remember now what's missing. We'll just test once I've done the changes and update you guys here.
  3. yeah... i didn't finish his post... best when you make updates on your forum is make a new comment. anyways, has anyone tried breaking emp using LK guardian?
  4. basing on weeks of observation, I believe the desperado is fine.
  5. Please make sure that posts like this should be in Suggestions forum. Since this suggestion has been implemented, I'll move this now.
  6. I am proud that my guild, Warsong, has legitimately taken all castles. No cheats, no tricks, just pure teamwork and skills.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pixel


      good job! proud WS member here!

    3. dlsmizel


      thanks everyone! looking for the best guild to compete with us!


    4. ruzzyruffy


      and no opponents,, 

  7. We try no not to mess around with the original effects.
  8. We are finding ways to make it possible to autoloot multiple items. So far, I believe it is possible to do this. We'll just make official announcement once everything is done.
  9. Let's start with Gunslingers then. Will wait for the current players who are using GS.
  10. Yeah good contents from Rayray too,
  11. There are too many weapons for SinX. Focus more on other jobs that have the least number of weapons.
  12. This is how I wanted people to make suggestions. Reviewed! Can you please list down a summary of effects below? So once we've worked on this, it will be much easier for me and Genesis.
  13. Noted on Rayray's inputs. So what will be your proposed effects for Sinx Crit Katar?
  14. dlsmizel

    Msc Winners

    Theme: A Colorful WorldDate: December 2016Entries: 7 3rd PlaceForum name: PudingIn-game name: SoundEntry: click here to viewPrize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd PlaceForum name: fykkaIn-game name: fykkaEntry: click here to viewPrize: 25 Event Tokens 1st PlaceForum name: AlexaaIn-game name: The Alex Karate Club Entry: click here to viewPrize: 50 Event Tokens
  15. dlsmizel

    A Colorful World

    Theme: A Colorful WorldDate: December 2016Entries: 7 3rd PlaceForum name: PudingIn-game name: SoundEntry: click here to viewPrize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd PlaceForum name: fykkaIn-game name: fykkaEntry: click here to viewPrize: 25 Event Tokens 1st PlaceForum name: AlexaaIn-game name: The Alex Karate Club Entry: click here to viewPrize: 50 Event Tokens
  16. Yes. I only played a few months in Chaos, then played in the Loki server as when they first released.
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