Well I too don't understand why they ban so many Pokemon. I've always tried to play how "the show would". Where nothing is banned. If i made it too the Pokemon League with a team of 3 Metapods, or happened to catch a MewTwo through my journey, well then it shouldn't be banned. (Of course it isn't as simple as this when it comes to the competitive games.) I agree with the whole "everyone uses Dragon types". That has made me love using my Lapras in my Rain Teams. You have 3 atk sweepers. I'd say for a more balanced team, have a Tank that can either cover your team's weakest def. type or actual typing. I'm used to having Snorlax because of his Thick Fat ability, Silk Scarf Stab Body Slam, Rest, and (insert utility/annoyer move/hidden power counter) "here". Also a status inducer couldn't hurt, whether it be para/slp/psn/ or my personal favorite (annoyer) a "life leacher" (leftovers/leech seed/mega drain/ingrain) A utility could be an option but because your sweeping, a baton passer would be a better choice. Although, the way I see it, if you plan to baton pass then your power would be coming from a diff. place. Your powerful sweepers will need higher def. types to carry out the baton pass. I myself love light ball Pikachu. Although I prefer Raichu when team building comes into play. Azumarill can also have the Huge Power ability which is somewhat useful. You could potentially Tank/Sweep with Magnezone but I see Jolteon as a more offensive pick.