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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by exe_calibur

  1. Hello! Welcome to the forums (x You can pm me if you need help. Good luck!
  2. Endless tower!!! although I won't be available on Saturday most likely because I am traveling to Reno too snowboard :3 But maybe I'll be able to bring my lap top so I can be on while I'm in the hotel xD Yeah Domi went part time afk and went straight to questing while I was on. Lets get rich guys!
  3. Yeah i wish they would update it (x I saw you vending! completely by accident hahaha I plan on farming simple items like yggs, bottles, fcp, and quest items once I get my gears out of the way :D of course at least 25% directly goes into guild storage.
  4. Yes it is every fun, congrats! me and sight usually play :D and your sig. is so pretty (x
  5. I try to help new players often, its almost a daily thing now. I'll be at fcity and if I see a chatbox asking for help or something simple like "where is the mall" and I'm usually the only one who bothers helping the lost guy. I am thankful that I have been able to make acquaintances in-game which have helped me tremendously in not just gearing but also simple navigation and interface problems. Also that I am in such a helping and well mannered guild. [mates at Jenova. love y'all] Sometimes I feel like they just made a second account to obtain free-bees..please don't waste the time and effort I put into the items that I don't mind sharing and the time I put into you [new players or just help-seeker]. <- That is also for all the warm-hearted players. That's all I'm asking for, to keep the server from being flooded by scammers. Don't be lazy! quest, quest, quest, and farm, farm, farm ;D. I know sometimes it can be tedious but complaining won't make you finish faster hahaha. I've lost count of how many times I've given my zeny farming coordinates or tours of the whole forsaken city. Okay guys, I think that is enough for one post ^.^ [also my first ever "for the public" post] [side Note] - Unrelated If Magic reads this, not that I even know if he goes on forums or not, please host Hide and Seek Events xD.
  6. !!! :D
  7. Welcome if you need help you can pm me here or in-game, also the community is great here :D
  8. This weekend, Laura will probably be able to invite you then. But I'm just assuming (x
  9. I've been playing on this server for about two months, the first settling with regular cards while the following I discovered silver cards and now try to have some in stock with me at all times. I can definitely say it's a huge help in boosting my enjoyment and ability to play the game effectively. I'm sure new players will feel the same way :D
  10. Super sick, don't want to be at school right now..

  11. PM or leave a comment :D
  12. I was considering that place, but I feel like I can do better. I'll test out some places later today. And yes, the sprites lol. Like how I meet people in-game who want to join. Oh and Laura its all good :D Its rare for me to see someone else use bio effectively [ so why not on me (x ] and I had no trouble coming back anyway.
  13. What if someone plans to join but then backs out last second :3 lol I think it would be cool if we had a separate place for recruitment.
  14. On a brighter note, hello everyone! Laura just invited myself (Ellyidol) and my brother (Branny, doesn't frequent forums) yesterday. Looking forward to meeting you all, getting to know you better, and getting awesome stuff done as a guild :) ^ Woohoo love the energy and optimism :D
  15. You need a MVP hunting party? If so I'll join :)
  16. Park Chanyeol is his IGN
  17. Yeah it was a fun and funny night (x She said she might be on more frequently I think. He was mostly just interested in meeting the guild.
  18. @aly Haha Dyna kept doing "fireworks magic". Also I currently have someone wanting to talk to you about Guild Recruitment. Mates if we need to move or just look around, I also have a list of guild spots we could visit :)
  19. Some returning guild members :D and a friend of Laura's ;)
  20. The Vendors Store Title is like "Worst than Noobs" (x lol
  21. Ive visited every now and then to find it always empty.
  22. Does KOS stand for "Kill On Sight" and @Ray I just assumed Iris was yours because of your location (x thanks for the clarification.
  23. @aly Not a problem at all (x I always run into new / returning players ( probably cause I roam around hitting up chats for questions and what not. ) I'll keep it just Amnesia for now.. So you don't have to constantly invite my characters aha. I'm still only using three characters. Kawaii and Amnesia are my pally ( WoE as soon as I can find a teacher lol ) and Farmer. I currently have a SinX in third slot which is used for a PvP character but I'm seeing what job I'm more comfortable with atm. Take care of RL before fRO :) So if later on you can't be as active its ok + we have people from very different time zones. Hope to catch you in-game too probs. later on today.
  24. You found the page! :D Hopefully our guildmaster or someone with invite privs. will talk to you soon.
  25. Reading guides and searching for woe teachers :)

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