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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by exe_calibur

  1. That's not a problem at all my friend :) Work and sleep are always important. I saw you today even though you were afk :P *Update* O/T: I literally went outside our base and died in like 10 seconds because the Pori Pori event was being hosted in Ayothaya xD. Thankfully I don't think anyone went in our base.
  2. Yep, I'm looking to buy a Legendary Whitesmith Hammer for 20 tokens. Leave a reply, forum PM, or in-game PM.
  3. Don't worry, just be happy. Cause eventually, every little thing, is going to be all right :)

    1. Rayray


      woo bob marley

    2. sshinytoyguns



      OT> fritz PM me the stuff you need from the token shop. :))

  4. Heads up Laura (x I think you might have missed his post lol he pm'd me for invite :3
  5. Most battle profs I see at fild, either just stand there and hope they can fight someone w/o GTB or go stave crash. I have not seen much people die by prof. bolts or bolts in general unless its from a baby class or Biochem. I used to play prof myself, but as I got more into PvP or just "pk-type" games in general I realized my offensive capabilities were being diminished. I eventually ended up just using prof. to make scrolls for fellow guild mates but then ended up quitting the job all together to focus on Biochem. Side note: If you plan to play prof. for fun then by all means go experiment with the job. I tried to play sniper for a month or so and got bored of FAS. So for fun I would have a dagger with double attack (hopping filir) Ifrit rings, and take advantage of Arrow Repel (gear switch) and Anklesnare. With a sinx card, I would go to fild, not to kill but to make the job a bit more refreshing to me and everyone there. :)
  6. Have you already read Collin's guide? http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25337
  7. Yes Avalanche the guild. I'm not leaving Jenova Project nor do I have the plans too :) A couple nights ago I had Whitney teach me some stuff about WoE and she ended up hooking me up an "interview" with their guild leader. I was accepted and WoE'd with them on Saturday. It's only Wed. and Sat. mostly unless were taking over fild01 lol. Their guild leader is a great guy so I'm in good hands :) I have Mat WoE with me because I'm making him my mentor :3 so I'll be on an alternate half the time but I still visit the base. I also don't plan on ditching bio. so I'm sure things will remain the same. (edit) either way having you three on together would be awesome \*o*/
  8. Whaaat I didn't see Amy online... (then again I spend time on Avalanche too now) 0_0 I would have loved to talk to her again. She's so funny :) Laura your not useless D: I'm sure everyone knows that you can't be on everyday and you'll have times where you won't be available for long periods of time. Same goes for everyone, none of us can afford to live our lives in a game. Hope to see you again soon though ;D
  9. Welcome to the server! try to PM me in-game or message me here if you need help :3 * I really like your profile pic aha Misty is the best gym leader :) *
  10. You directly exchange your points for items in the control panel / voting center / purchase. The vote redeemer is for redeeming the items you have exchanged for.
  11. Whenever many of us go OL let's play Hide and Seek :3
  12. It was really fun! and I still can't believe other guilds came (x We really should get a new base especially after yesterday's run in.
  13. Titanfall reminds me of Battlefield so much. Enjoy ~
  14. *I wish the wish you that you wish to wish.* Is that you what you meant? Granted, but you weren't specific enough and ended up wishing for my old with which was "I wish I had no internet forever" trololol :3 I wish for a balloon.
  15. Ayye Welcome to the forums :3 hope you find everything you need.
  16. Granted, but instead the "Sunlight Saga" was invented with twice the amount of movies and is twice as bad, and you were forced to watch all of them...twice :D I wish I could time travel.
  17. Woo hoo! so nice to see many more people interested in Jenova :'D That's great news Laura, I can't wait to check them out.
  18. I'll work on another spot. By the way the only other person I showed was Matt.
  19. Hahaha I spent like 4 hours with the guy yesterday, really nice and funny (x Aha okay?
  20. Met a guy IGN Peaches. tonight :) says he's an old gamer but he got scammed D: and is gearing back up, also wants to join Jenova Project. *EDIT* I met another guy named Mat who said he used to be in Jenova back when Amy was active. Laura do you know him? He wants to come back :D
  21. Hopefully this issue will get resolved by tomorrow. I can't wait any longer (x and I told Gx that were planning to do endless tower, he says he is in.
  22. Haha yeah I agree with you on that, I just had a thought ya know? And of course I don't expect the GM's to make something happen as soon as someone has an idea ^.^
  23. Just a thought. I remember how in iRO pubs were swarming cities like Prontera, and it would be cool if a city had a designated spot for Pubs. Maybe a moving caravan type of thing where pubs would move city to city [weekly or monthly] . I don't know, I just thought it would add a refreshing feeling, like having a bigger purpose to the other cities. This would also make finding the type of people you want easier. Have a note in log in like the one you get that says "Night Mode Enabled" Like if you say: "Pubs at Payon 3/6/14 - 4/6/14" when you log in then people would know where to go if they needed to buy or sell and other players who aren't interested can stay in forsaken city. Side note: I noticed GvG gathers there too so this would give them more room ^.^ Just an instant thought guys (x
  24. You can open the game and press print screen on your keyboard [this will take a picture of your screen like taking a screenshot on an iPhone], and if you have the paint app you can just open it and click paste. Save the picture, post it somewhere then copy the image url and when making a post you can click the image button and paste it :D Hope this helps.
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