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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by exe_calibur

  1. Remove health bar as GM Vera stated on page 1 and to me your picture looks cropped ^-^
  2. There's like a drag down menu for f1-f12 then there these weird 2 boxes unattached. (Saw this when playing renewal Valkyrie iRO)
  3. Laura it's okay I bought the rop thanks tho :)
  4. Laura get money. Laura rich $.$
  5. Yeah it can wait, I just wanted to know if it was possible since I don't see any for sale at the moment -.- Yay can't wait too see you.
  6. Okay putting the disconnects aside in this topic (your right about the Ping ^^) Mhm I see since most geared players have more than 1 set for switch or more than one weapon a big list would pop up on the decard menu. Maybe you could add a sub menu giving the option, weapon or armor or accessory, just a thought. I guess I'll try to think of something else, thanks Bishop for clearing that up and also to those who support :)
  7. This has been suggested but no it will not work sadly. That is part of the renewal user interface while our server is a non renewal server so it won't be compatible. Same reason why our hotkeys are outdated (can't drag down more boxes, can't see the extra two boxes)
  8. I believe it has stopped for some time now. I'm just saying that people have experienced more disconnects after it happened.
  9. I guess we will exchange whenever we catch each other xD also I want too know if your willing to donate me a red Rop aura worth 1.2 and I'll pay you exactly that in token in game :)
  10. B> teal/red ROP [1.2]

  11. Hello there people of fro ^-^ My suggestion is that GMs make it so that we can decard any piece of equipment without having to put it on. Things like armors have no job restrictions but things like weapons do. I want to have this implemented because when going to relog in another character just to decard an item, it feels like an unneeded hassle. Some players delete certain characters and might need a card on that weapon. Leveling a character just to decard and also transferring money to that character is also a hassle. Also for those people activity token farming or just playing a certain amount of hours a day for their activity toks to get things such as Ship Hat, once you relog we feel that we wasted an hour and effort to be 1 activity token closet to our desired item. Also some players have net issues who can't afk for hours because they DC not including the increase of DCs since the server was Dos. This is just my suggestion which to me seems small but beneficial to everyday gameplay. I am open ears to replies and posts :)
  12. Berries and that's 25 seed tix + 7 toks. Need dungeon pass so I can farm berries lol
  13. Uhh I have 25 tix and 7 toks
  14. Laura how much toks to have you make me a dungeon pass...I lost mine lol And how much is Midas?
  15. I'm sure everyone at fild noticed loool
  16. He invited me around the time it stared up and I told him I was in Avalanche. He said I could leave whenever haha but I come to see how their doing. My friend woes there too the pally, Antagonistic.
  17. Yeah just teasing Laura :P I trapped for Adam time to time.
  18. Lol it'd be better if we didn't know xD more dramatic effect. Quick edit it to say something else hahaha
  19. *Cough* Come to woe too :D *Cough*
  20. I could use a Friggs shield xD Sounds fun Ray and glad to see your planning to come back :D
  21. Mhm I also saw some of your guild mates randomly saying "New Players Join" or something at fcity. It'd be more effective to Broadcast: RGM> Deathcross "insert guild description/what are you looking for" Regardless good luck here and I welcome your guild
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