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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by exe_calibur

  1. Laura your profile pic tho hahaha Btw...Laura you have 69 liked posts...*immaturely chuckles*
  2. Yep exactly why I added that part. Either your war mates supply you or you supply yourself. Also this will start becoming a must have job/strategy for woe if storage is disabled which makes it more fun. Seeing call outs such as "seeds here" "convertors here" etc will be more interesting than seeing @storage. You'll be able to rely on your guild mates more building trust and bonds.
  3. +1 disable backslide and for the other parts of the topic: I think this will indeed add to the intensity of WoE. In real war you should bring everything you need, not having enough seeds/convertors/traps/bottles and then dying? Sounds fair to me. If you want storage then it looks like you'll be alting a cart character and bringing him along. (Quick thought, have guild storage somewhere in the castle active during woe, want more intensity? Have him change his position every woe so to take advantage of storage in WoE, you'll need scouters looking for your storage NPC.) of course I think this will be hard to implement, especially since we'd need to have NPCs warp into stable spots every woe. Maybe to lower maintenance, the NPC works for whoever defends the castle and resets after woe. So if say guild 1 has castle 1 at the beggining and guild 2 breaks it while woe is occurring, the NPC does not work for whoever newly breaks it. Instead it still works for guild 1 or whoever is defending next woe. Just something I thought would be a fun thing to have during woe. Maybe this should be in a separate suggestion?
  4. +1 having a sprite to present (resembling the looks of the hat or something of the similar concept) would be really helpful too
  5. 4th of July screenshot event? Even though not everyone celebrates it, or maybe summer screenshot, even though again not everyone is in "summer vacation" right now.
  6. Uhm I wouldn't play LK mainly as a Vital striker, Vital Strikers is for Spiiral Pierce LKs. Though if you plan on gearing LK just go hybrid with BB and Spiral pierce. There's guides for both on forums.
  7. Sounds basic and effective. It'll be nice to be able to post pictures easier and I'm usually on mobile so it sounds really great. Good luck with developing.
  8. Lol not this whole players giving out nudes thing again -.- Kid doesn't know who he dealing with >:O
  9. Can't wait to see what it looks like but more importantly how it functions Ray.
  10. "-10" geez how's a weapon sprite going to affect the outcome of its use? When using a skill or attacking (such as in pvp) you don't really focus on yourself you focus on your opponent anyway. We're lucky enough this server has legendary equivalents to donation items. You could be using a no stat bonus sword or spending a lot more money every time you wanted to try out a job.
  11. I wouldn't mind woeing with JP, I'll just tell my other guild it's a reunion sorta thing :-) And Yeahhh with that new Lhz aura update it looks like I've got some shopping to do, sadly I don't know the prices of those auras in game yet.
  12. The new update contains vote infernal capes for all jobs via voting center.*edit* I also agree on an LK nerf, all LK needs is devotion and the swordsman job tree will start looking like a one way road :/ other reasons pre-stated by others. +1 can't wait to see GM opinions ^-^
  13. Seeing Jenova Project with a flag at fcity... O.O Laura must see it through one day xD
  14. I agree on fashion with LRA but I don't understand what you mean by buffed, they have the same effect and can be worn my champs unlike ROP. Regardless I was more concerned on your fashion thoughts ;P
  15. Oh noo so expensive x.x, Laura random question would you rather get a Lovely Ribbon Aura or ROP.
  16. There was a "cleaning" a while back (plan to have JP mercenary for woe and such but changed like how Laura helps out avalanche, same as me) but I'm sure you can talk to Laura about it. Jenova is not as active as it was before but members are still on wether people visiting in guild or catching each others characters out of guild. ^-^ Ps. Laura if you read this, do you know how much cat ears are (black/brown)
  17. Welcome back, hopefully you find the server as fun as before. ^-^
  18. Both ^-^ a hybrid LK is the best LK for me.
  19. Thanks for being specific Gennova
  20. Thanks ray that's a big help to know. Since ROP itself was given a fix already I guess I can't really get far with my suggestion. If a GM wants to close this topic feel free to do so :)
  21. "Small" suggestion to let champs wear ROPs but give them a different effect. Just like how champs can wear x2 thana since it has a different effect for them. The style of the ROP is nice and more affordable then say a skull aura or emp. Maybe the effect could be (for champs) - no +10% damage on demihumans - max hp + 8% - all stats + 20 - if needed to compensate for no + 10% dmg then have something like max sp + 8 % (number can be changed up to GM) It'd be nice to be able to use ROP on all classes instead of having to buy an emp. Not sure how this will effect the economy, I'm sure older players have a better view on that. EDIT* again not sure how it will effect the economy but in the long run it could possibly make emp prices more "manageable" by the entire server.
  22. Hey! Welcome to the server :D hope you'll like it here. You can find good guides on the forums and great people in game too. Those two games you mention are some of my favorited as well, "hardcore" pokemon fans like me and I believe RayRay are here too ^-^ Feel free to leave me a message on here or ingame as well. IGN: Bad Religion or Sierra Leone
  23. There's people who buy billions of Zeny with toks and that 300 points in every stat would no doubt break the game. So no for me too. I feel like this was a joke or a dare lol no offense -.-
  24. @jhenky13 LMAO IM SO SORRY XD
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