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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by talbyy

  1. talbyy


    I log in talk to anyone that will listen, when people get sick of me and stop talking to me I alt tab to life and eat food
  2. I didn't choose the afk life, the afk life chose me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ochibi


      Away fvck kokonut

    3. Aerofox


      get out fuckboy

    4. talbyy


      Afk life = 4700 activity tokens and all the headgears on 1 account, 2400 activity tokens and 70% headgears on another account and 3.5k on my fcper

  3. talbyy


    I havn't moved my baby novice from its seat in for fild for many months now
  4. talbyy


    I think I'm the laziest person in fRO Please love me
  5. Wow, feels weird being on the forum

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sensation


      You afking here too now?

    3. thePast
    4. talbyy


      I didn't choose the afk life, the afk life chose me

  6. Welcome back =D Me and Ely still play, Soo Woo is inactive now tho :th_e30:
  7. Welcome :th_e11:
  8. Can i Join senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Can i join :th_e31:
  10. I'm in Australia and i have no problems xD
  11. Can i join :th_e31:
  12. Plans for 2015 Travel More Meet New People Discover new places (In game and IRL) Maybe try Breaking :th_ok:
  13. Have you logged out or gone to char select In-between the hours? It has to be an uninterrupted hour on 1 character
  14. Go into control panel from the forsaken main homepage and log in there then reset characters position, hope this helps :)
  15. Ship captain hat is obtained by activity tokens (every hour your online you obtain 1 activity token and every 12 hours without logging off you gain an additional 3) you could start voting to obtain king set pieces and questing for Legendary sniper bow, if you're not sure about the quest the wiki could help you, Hope this helped xD
  16. Depends on the quest, it varies from different quests if im not mistaken
  17. -1 would ruin value of emps, and as stated could get a 30-40k Emp for cheaper then said price, gold,violet and grey imps are all cheap as
  18. I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red I am the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song In this town, don't we love it now, everybody's waiting for the next surprise

    1. Capuccino


      Love this song. :)

      I gave this as a clue in H&S.

    2. talbyy


      Great minds think alike :p

    3. elykarmic
  19. Awesome love the new headgears :th_e14: :th_e8: need that white gentlemans hat
  20. star glad and taekwon has been nerfed pretty hard, +1 on the Revamp of taekwon class :P
  21. hey, Welcome =] looking forward to seeing you ingame
  22. They will most likley be released on Halloween, so friday or saturday
  23. i hated no guild when i was part owner of vengeance :P
  24. Maybe Increase damage with back stab or enable the use of a melee skill, because if you get dispelled/lose your skill its abit annoying to fight with no skill so i think itd be good to add like lvl 10 bash or mamonite
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