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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by talbyy

  1. 1v1 me!!!! haha Welcome, if you need help feel free to shoot a pm or come to fild01 im always there on a novice haha
  2. No No No, Did i even Apply? :th_swt3:
  3. 2 Turtle General and 2 Sword Guardian =] for those who don't understand TG/SG, whenever i use my thana on LK every1 has 1 or 2 skolls so dmg is usually low so best off using jsut 2 tg 2 sg
  4. only 468 for me Ely :th_e31:
  5. Yea i got same Error last minute of woe at emp room as well =\ i'm fully updated
  6. Ooo Its exciting =D How many gm's are being hired :)?
  7. When will the said Person be announced :th_e30:
  8. Yea i believe you need 500 posts to change forum title t.t
  9. D: Event gm's are always online at times i'm never on T_T still haven't had a novice vs zombies :(
  10. Welcome Sir =]
  11. Macho is middle slot, removes aura Emps,Butt aura,LHZ etc, but 90% of people have it hotkey'd so they just press 3 buttons in a row to eq macho,Falcon Eyes than put aura back on
  12. Might aswell just turn all my imps into LTD's now -1 but rest of update is good
  13. Fully Geared Pally,Clown and Priest at your service sir when i can make woe =D
  14. talbyy

    B> Dragon Helm

    Buying Dragon helm any color Leave name and price :D
  15. H1 i Am The Doctor

  16. Hello sir Welcome to the GM team :D if i see you ingame.. ima expect a magic show ... justsayin
  17. talbyy

    This Or That?

    Candy!!! Rain or sun
  18. I live in Australia so I've come to the conclusion my ping will never be under 250 :( aha
  19. I have priest highness and L.book pm me in game Priestitute
  20. Selling priest highness priest cursed red sakkat and Freyr blade leave offer (;
  21. Thanks for the quick update (:
  22. Hi i teleported to a map Poring_01 and i got gravity error now i cant log in D: can you please help :) thanks
  23. bump
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