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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. sartorius19

    Ws Acce.

    most uses str runes.
  2. Welcome. ! I have some starter guides. So if u wanna know some. Just read below my comment and click the images. ^^, But since ur a ro veteran i dont think ud need em. But Fro got many customization. So it'll be awhile to know all of em. nevertheless its pretty balanced between jobs though not true for 1-3 jobs. But the community is trying to help them be more viable. ^^, Goodluck !
  3. Ok so lets share amazing things and not so known trivia and facts . Ill start it off. You ever wonder what is coelacanths? the big fishes in aegir's raid? Did you know that "Coelacanths, it disappeared from the fossil record-410 million years ago. In 1938, Coelacanth got caught off the coast in South Africa. In 1999, the second Coelacanth were found in Indonesia."
  4. You can use this technique on all jobs. But as i have said before. Wizards are all around farmers and can MvP as well if you know how to build it right. Wizards are the best class for mass farming. But when mobs are few. i prefer sniper as it can point and attack any mob on the screen without even walking. Thus making it more fast that a wiz which needs to be closer to cast a spell.
  5. Leech ! Bot fly maggot burrowed in your arms or a bunch of tape worms inside your intestines? xD
  6. 357
  7. Yup. i find it too absurd to make or buy a wiz set just for farming. and yes thats it. Rings requires a cape as a requirement. And you cant use the vote cape in lieu of the original 1
  8. Its better to put description on the coins themselves than the kafra. So they can readily check them in trade rather than having them check the kafra which causes misunderstandings for those who can't read it properly and are rushing.
  9. New ones that enjoys hunting pets for display will be deprived of this if you raised the entrance fee as it is, YOu already said you took weeks before even getting just 5 etoks. how much harder would it become for new ones and others if you raise it more than 1000% of the original price. Even if Etoks are easy to get due to events. YOu cant expect to win it all the time just my opinion though, Its better to improve the pet themselves to be more useful and not just displays than to make them drop items and raising fees. And i would like to have a warp. But only to places you have passed already. so that youc an go back and forth to those areas you already explored. One of safari's feature is the exploration. You will lose that if we enable all warp at the 1st map.
  10. Even seedtix and berry tix before 4-5:1 now 6:1 for seeds and for berry 4-5:1 now 7-8:1
  11. AS faiz said. I included a guide on how to do multiple looting in that guide. Kindly check it out.
  12. Most Reason I get when i ask people from guilds that do not join GvG is that "we can't win""short on people""Lacks force" etc etc as what we can conclude on what ray have said. I myself Rarely go to GvG simply because there arent taht much Guild that participates in it. And Skilled Ones are trying to be together for each GvG thus rendering the other guilds have lesser chance to win.
  13. Hmm? what di u mean? if the usage ,you can use it since its the same as the original cape. All Effects are same. And slotted as well. only difference is that you can make it into a ring.
  14. Hell of course Ant ! hahaha i kinda hate those specie of insect. So annoying most of the times. since it comes to creepy things maggot or a caterpillar?
  15. (30 x 10) + (5 x 11)
  16. This is what i can say. It is not all about the items. A god player can at least par with a geared one even using legendary items and knight set. People who donates might or might not have the skills, either way its the players ability, response time, and ping that makes them more viable in fights. Before we have the Non-donation PvP room. but its always the players with more knowledge killing their boredom by killing the new ones. I usually chat with friends while farming before so i didnt felt that bored. kind hard but feasible.
  17. +1 would be easier for new ones as well. But i don't know if they can implement this. Im not a programmer or knowledgeable on this things xD but yeah i like the idea.
  18. Official Monthly Screen Shot Contest is Starting ! Submit your Entries <3 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?s=03598a02fe1b450025a8e462a38bb02c&showtopic=29772

    1. Ares


      Yeah! Win from up to 15 Event Tokens every month!

    2. Genesis
  19. On the aesthetic part and dragon aura. Why not combine it? I mean the dragon aura completely fits in this, Is it possible to have a different color of an improved dragon aura that changes depending on your rank? well you will be given the normal color like what we have atm when you reach rank 2 or 3. when ranking up it is taken and replaced by a different color with minimal stat boost on it but of course should be untradable.
  20. Kimooochi desu! xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sartorius19


      LOL. its not always used in such a way that in H things. It just simply means feels good. just to be clear xD

    3. Ares


      I just pasted from Urban Dictionary. lol

    4. sartorius19


      xD oh well. words differ in meaning anyways xD depends on the usage or intention of the one speaking/saying it

  21. hai. wakkata, Hontoni arigatou gozaimasu ! <3
  22. as ive tried it before on my ws. 3 kiels is still needed to have the best spam output of CT. i got a delay somehow when using 2 kiels only though it is already spammable in that case. And i find it better to have better spam than of a damage. But its always on the preference i think. I might go back to trying WS again xD
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