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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. No from me as well. We are on a high rate server. This will ruin Woe all in all. u can be killed in the gates or halfway before u even reach emp room if u limit it to just 50. And how about those Lk BBing u to death? im not a breaker myself. but as of now, even they seed they can easily die on emp room just a moment they run out of seeds if targeted by several champs + snipers.
  2. Welcome ^^, Get ready to be bullied. Thats all i can say haha. Its kinda normal for starters. nevertheless. Work hard. Get Geared And pay em back ^^. That llama siggy tho. haha
  3. This might be a good idea.
  4. With L.Gears 12-18k. with best gears. around 20-30k depending on the things u use. +dont forget to use converters. if u dont know what converters are. examples are cursed water, box of storm etc.
  5. well. as ray said. Gen tracks ip wether its home connection or in an internet cafe. thing is if someone had committed any of those elaborated by ray or other things. the accounts having same ip will surely be under the ban hammer. but maybe theres a way if you can prove your innocence on the said matter. But i doubt it, it would be hard to defend. Though before they ban, specially permanent one, they really look into details and proofs before doing so. So all we can do now is to wait for their replies. So you guys who filed tickets can talk to them in discretely. But i saw an announcement like broad. after woe today. said that woeing without guild logo is prohibited, youve been warned. something like that, not the exact words but somehow like that. dont know if its correlates on it.
  6. Read my guide. Scan it. theres a stave crasher build to help you. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25337
  7. Isnt the Pet warehouse Npc got em? As far as i know the pets included in the warehouse also got the taming item/accessory/food for them. Pets from safari eats white pots. Normal Pets are eating normal drops as well.
  8. Indeed you are correct. But the thing is. Its not only the people who need etoks wants to get em. The ones keeping them also want to keep em still. So giving more chance for others to get it gives the hoarders more chance on monopolizing them as well. And as i have said. New Event GM's will be hired as well. So ;ets check em out on how active the are as an Event Gm.
  9. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. I hate when im defending and i love it when im on offense. so im kinda 50:50 on this @_@
  10. KAWIIII NE ! That tongue piercing tho xD haha
  11. tree hand red sea vain
  12. he
  13. BIG HOUSE. Elevator or escalators?
  14. as ive said. they are holding it and have no intention of selling.
  15. 1st. The Compensation is to compensate. But not to overpay. Voting sites are not of our own. They are individual sites so if they are down, their links will be removed since the site is dead. So no for 1st suggestion. 2nd. EToks are OP not because they are scarce. But some people hoarding it till it goes 1:5 i think. I know some people who hold tons of em. 3rd. New Gm's will be hired. so i think your suggestion should come after the new hiring to see if some new Gm's will be able to stay at the designated time and to hold events more than usual. no for 2nd - till new i can see things out after the new hiring. I agree on ur last suggestion though. Since many are on asian time. +an hourly event will result to geared ones getting the toks still. MVP event = geared champs mostly gets it. /LMS=Geared ones or big guilds own anyone inside. the poring catcher/diceevent/cluck teh chicken are the only events that i can see fit in your suggestion. Though it not that bad either.
  16. that poring ball ! i wanna play it now. hahaha xD
  17. it was already been suggested long before, Nonetheless this should be on the recolor suggestion thread.
  18. maybe he wanna be a voter for hire for ur accounts. sadly u need to give ur account info in that process. Plus u cant do anything with points unless its tied to ur accounts as vote items are untradable. lol
  19. im guessing that u passed an application faiz. hahaha that " huhuhuh xD "
  20. well its always a group fight where this kamaitachi works very well. But i do agree on the lightning spear though it wont hit as much damage as other skills would do. but yeah stun lock is awesome ! xD
  21. well, kamaitachi is good for int stalk if you dont have hod or aog. works like Fas but a magic attack. having piamette or kafra band will help too.
  22. if u have enough dex already and have a hit of at least 450- 500 without using phreeoni. u can use inca+skel+tg+tg on weap. even if u balance dex with int. ull have to divest more than 2-3x before it can actually divest someone having 150 dex. and if u balance dex with int i doubt ur having enough hp to tank heavy attacks specially from a sinx or sniper. And in the case of bolts. It is alright because having hod or aog just to get bolts are not that worth it considering u can be frozen or stoned. But i couldnt agree on the skills uve mentioned as they are innate and unique skills of other classes. Considering u can already copy them. +mind breaker cant be used on urself as well. it only works for others as a support or to lower their magic def. though if its a magic type ur facing and u use mind breaker on him/her it will be risky. And no sense at all as they are all matk type. so gtb negates them anyways. so it will still go to the tests ive done to counter it. as to how we are going to make it more balanced in 1v1 fights, im still not sure on what to do or add atm. as Stalkers are already versatile as it is. Making it more buffed will not yield good results. But i do hope to give it a little more addition for the int side.
  23. > (~ _ ^) >
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