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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. if u are on DS, i prefer something that cant be block by pneuma or at least can move others out of pneuma. And of course defensive skills like tatami are good for stalks. But yeah all in all. It depends on the playing style of the players.
  2. int stalk is indeed a fun class to use. Basically can almost all be like any other class only half or less effective as the original. And auto attack for me with ifrit rings are used for long fights. I would still prefer having ds with martyr or ds with bb. usually those who use autoattack with trifecta is a breaker type stalk or a redux type stalk. can deal decent damage but not that deadly unless u are near enough to proc coma faster. as ive tried. the nearer you are on the enemy the more the % all skills chance procs. and takes too long time when ur far. so better strip than wait for coma in a long distance after the fcp runs off.
  3. So here is what I can understand. She want to suggest if players can take a screenshot and make a ticket for it to prove its existence when one get scammed or hacked But as genesis said being aware is a key to not get scammed. Also trading is a daily transaction for a player. So u want to mean that every change in our item or be ssed whenever it change. So no for me.
  4. Well I haven't actually farmed the cards myself. So I need to test it before I can actualy comment on this. How much is the drop rate?
  5. Well we need more input and support for this suggestion I think. And finalize changes.
  6. yup. the necro is included in my guide xD
  7. Being int stalk is indeed. Very efficient. if u wanna go bolt type. i suggest to just to make prof or mage. Kamaitachi and Meteor are the best int skills for an int stalk imo. But this is only good on group fights/woe. You can strip, but as ray calculated and as far as i had tried. its like 8-15x skill spam before you can actually strip a normal player having 150dex depending on the chance. and like 20-25x spam before u can strip pips having higher dex than 150. + if enemy goes to gtb and 2 devs. ur ab or martyrs are gonna be low enough to tank and wont work like stave crasher since it wont be good if u have already copied a skill. But viable if u are using bolts given by hod/aog.
  8. yup editing hot keys is indeed a renewal client feature. but b, can make up for it. Welcome to the server !
  9. S/T>StalkCursedRingSet

  10. S/T> StalkCursedRingSet

  11. Still selling and/or trading.
  12. and u need to use zeny in a lot of ways
  13. it does. ^^, so u need to continuously farm for the time period u rented it.
  14. yup. excatly. ^^,
  15. 2 xD thats the most i can. haha
  16. POst ur real pics ! xD lets revive this thread once again. come on guys. dont be shyyy ! Sensation-sama. post ur pic too xD
  17. Sell/Trade> StalkCursedRingSet//LovelyRibbon

  18. as he said ^
  19. im not having any trouble logging in-game and in forums. what does it says when you try to log-in? and is there a reason for u to get IP banned?
  20. as long as neither of you is scamming or trolling someone. then ull be fine,
  21. High wizard is a fast farmer for a map with many mobs to kill. Farming stone of sage for me is much faster to get zennies than treasure box. and u dont need massive damage. U can try to do some farming services for other players. They are so many players looking for a farmer. When you are tired on farming for zeny. you can go to the trader room and enter the seed room of concentrated speed potion room and farm for them inside. though ull need to pay a fee of 3 tokens or 100m for an hour inside. longer hours means more duscount on your part. When u got zeny to spend, why not try ur luck on Mvp Rooms? remember to do it on weekends for higher chance on getting cards. And best choice for mvping inside the room for me is bio. as it doesnt need much gears to do heave damage though u need 3 kiels for spam rate. 60m per summon. though remember its still a gamble.
  22. Filing a ticket is the only way for most Gm's to reply on your matter. And specially it is a ban situation. u can wait for 24-48hours. but if time is more than that. Try to add Gm Genesis on his skype and message him up also ur ticket # and some explanations.
  23. be ready for bullies of course since this is a pk server, nonetheless Welcome!
  24. if u consider the diminishing effects for both card combos. it will surely deal almost same damage, as kingring affects total matk. while when u equip red ferus it lowers ur matk but adds up damage on fire spells. if u want higher damage. try to put 2 salamander cards on cloak. and u might wanna try using necromancer cards as part of ur combo. however, remember that your damage will greatly be dependent on your enemy. so dont test it to only 1 player, you should conduct ur test in several players which are different in gears and jobs.
  25. sartorius19


    U will gonna wait for 24-48 hours max. GM Genesis will be the one to put it in your storage if u are online and will trade u ur items once he catch u online in between those times. If im right the Genesis is doing the donation activities daily at 9am or pm server time. not sure >.< fastest way to get ur status on your donation is through skype, add and chat him.
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