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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. U might want to check the comments on the farming guide i made. One of awesome players posted a guide in the form of a reply in my guide on how to farm in lhz_dun04 using a bio. Simply click the image with collin's farming guide. and read replies. GOodluck !
  2. that name tho. haha xD
  3. Welcome to the server. U might want to check the getting-started section of the fro site to be familiarized in the basics of this server.
  4. Want a ScreenShot Event/Contest and win some prizes? Kindly support this suggestion and lets make it happen !http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  5. Want a ScreenShot Event/Contest and win some prizes? Kindly support this suggestion and lets make it happen !http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  6. Want a Forum ScreenShot Event/Contest? Then kindly support the suggestion for it ^^, Lets make it happen. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  7. Want a Forum ScreenShot Event/Contest? Then kindly support the suggestion for it ^^, Lets make it happen. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  8. Want a Forum ScreenShot Event/Contest? Then kindly support the suggestion for it ^^, Lets make it happen http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  9. Want a Forum ScreenShot Event/Contest? Then kindly support the suggestion for it ^^, Lets make it happen. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  10. Want a Forum ScreenShot Event/Contest? Then kindly support the suggestion for it ^^, Lets make it happen. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  11. Welcome buddy. You might want to get familiarized with this server basics. you can go to forsaken-ro.net/getting-started. And if u need a guide on farming u can click the image on my signature. ^^, Goodluck!
  12. It is agreeable for me as well. Its essential actually when battling gtb users that can use pneuma espcially wiz is a squeezy class to play as we all know.
  13. Ask and you shall be given. Though thy occurence is not certain thy should not waver and keep on believing.

  14. useless maybe in PVP. but i can still see its usefulness during woe. it doesnt mean that no one or few uses it, it is entirely useless. i consider several factors thats why SG is not that popular. and they are as follows ; 1. Most players wants a job than can PvP well. 2. Only Few knows how to build SG properly. 3. And several might know how to build it. But cant efficiently use its skills due to things like this hard delay. 4. Other Classes tends to be better on PvP as well as Woe/GvG/Br. 5. Lastly, due to these factors stated above, SG became fewer and fewer through passage of time till its like 1-3 or no one uses it. Though i am starting to see some but cant actually do very well atm.
  15. the
  16. wan fayv seb-en.
  17. Want a screenshot contest/event? Support the suggestion. ! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29078

  18. plok stop bumping this thread lol
  19. this perv. enough up. LOL. let this thread be. at least he tried to post a guide xD
  20. you can already equip any cape on ur SN. using link.
  21. It means that your gears are either from the legendary quests like leg.weap. leg.gaunt/ leg. aura. or those gears you can purchase using vote points. for killing. around 30sec-1min using my prof.
  22. meaning it doesnt have the renewal system. Therefore it is only rebirth system that is implemented. Which is the system preceding the renewal client.
  23. They actually said it all. What i wanted to add is that a good SB sinx can take as less damage as other jobs do with proper phasing in switching gears. Sure they take alot of damage. But honestly, i fought several SB sinx that can live up even facing 8-10k bolts or 80k Fas cause of proper usage of skills and equip management. Since discussion might lead to this argu. Cause the biggest counter to a sb sinx is prof. But theres a lot of ways to counter bolts now. Your skills in switching is necessary though.
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