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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. Welcome, hope u enjoy. though farming is the only way to get geared in almost every mmorpg unless you donate. But trust me, its better to have something to aim for than nothing. ^^,
  2. oooh. i might torrent that anime. haha looks really kewl lol.
  3. Hi there. Welcome to fro !. U actually dont need dopel in this server. simply because we are high rate. u can get max aspd which is 195. by puting enough agi + bonuses on ur equips.
  4. you can adjust the game in your fro folder. find setup.exe not sure about this. but this is what i did. or if u want full screen simply use the patcher and start ur game.
  5. its f10.
  6. 4 goldenrings wont stack with 2 fbh. and without fbh u'll deal less damage. And u can cast flying side kick without running if you can chain the skill's target. e.g. (my friend is the SG, Casts run then fsk me then fsk the character next to me then back at me.) and cause the population in woe is massive. SG is actually on an advantage there. nonetheless going back to the thread's topic, the hard delay will really be of use on pvp and SGs' performance.
  7. Bumping this one up >.<
  8. i agree. at the moment. very few actually are doing the dragon fame raids.
  9. kindly contact [GM] Genesis on this matter in his personal info. skype is the fastest way.
  10. im up for andreas revision .
  11. but it will still be bound to those 2 colors only. and i suppose having variety of the colors are one of the reasons for this.
  12. you should post a reply on rayray's guide. he should be able to make it clear
  13. Wecome bud. Goodluck on your starting journey ! u can ask our helpful staffs and the community if u have some queries ^^. wot anime is that in ur sig O.O looks kewl ~ lol
  14. 1200. ill buy
  15. One thing also is that when u enable order of the dragon u will be given 10 starting fame points. if u die ull lose a point and if all ur points are lost. u lost your knight status. So keep it diabled.
  16. B> Stalk Bless Set = ??? B> White Rop or other colors 1.2k / Red rop = 1.3k B> Stalk Bless Ring = ??? B> Stalk Soaring Bird = ??? Pm me in game, leave a message here or pm. Thanks
  17. B>Stalk Bless Ring set

    1. sartorius19
    2. badedoy


      sap bro.. im selling gold rop.

  18. B> Stalk Bless Ring set

  19. hmm. hows the spam of full buster? can u spam it with 3 kiels? if it can spam and can deal like fas or some sort. then it ,might be viable for the shotgun. as for gatling. it can still be skill based not sure on viable skills that it can use atm. and yeah i personally dont have any idea on shotgun and gatling >.< since i played despe before. but for just 3 days i think LOL.
  20. Yeah what she said.^
  21. james is still active. but not as a gs anymore. he switched job. But try to come up what would be the effect of those l.weaps and compare to l.gun.
  22. having gloom is not necessary. as with hwiz. u can just 1 hit Sg them with l.weap and int gaunts. and as i have tried it before. it will add a bit of damage for thanatos towe mobs and not for abyss mobs
  23. Hmm,. im not sureabout this, Sacreds and Raws have its own distinct effects which make it differ from rings. And if this works like the imp token. then it will add the ring effects and still remain the old effects. So it will be too OP to have ring effects+sacred redux. Also Raw+ring effect for pally would boost the reflect more considering it can already reflect kill people. I do get the point of having the sprites and get the effects. but i am not really disagreeing or agreeing atm. im like 50:50 atm. >.<
  24. I agree, but might as well suggest for its effects, and why not start with having legendary ones 1st?
  25. Welcome bro. dunno whats BR tho xD I kinda played that server but didnt even last for a month tho. If u are having a hard time on such errors. You can post under the Help Desk Section of this forum. And the community will try to help you. Goodluck !
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