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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. In addition to what they have said already, LK's BB is still good atm, remember that they can have a chance to hit 2x-3x each with massive damage. all i can see on snipers are auto seed or auto click whatsoever, i dont know how snipers having 240-280k hp tank 15k bolts x20 +spam. But thats a different story for LK as they have the highest hp modifier. considering the str they have, they can carry more seeds and tank all day 2-3 players. Also spiral can stunlock anyone. unless when on pneuma. And lks as i see in PvP now a days are fine the way there are now.
  2. as she said and to make it more clearer for you, Infernal capes/drake jackets are final requirements of a storyline quest in making rings/bless,cursed jackets. therefore, you cannot turn your vote capes into rings/bless,cursed jackets. Only the original donated ones.
  3. It Takes time to check kill logs. + they worked on updates and server issues. usually hall of fame is updated 2weeks or more after the week ended.
  4. Dont forget your buffs. + as one of the players said, the fas skill itself gives crit when used. so u dont really ncessary need to have your critical 101 or so. Im actually a hybrid type long ago. DS/FAS type at the same time. As you said, the main issue here is your HP, if u at least have vote/o.king set, i believe you wont be having much trouble in your HP, unless you put ur stats on unnecessary ones or better yet allocated them in a wrong way, If you have at least 1 tao gunka on your armor, you should at least get 150k+hp with 80-100 vit, or even higher, I really dont know why you only have 110k hp. its like your a high wiz who is more deprived when it comes to HP. so as i see it, u put too much luk just to get 101 crit. when u really dont need to specially when your a DS Type, Proper Cards and right arrows with average gears can deal decent ds damage even without the usage of thana. and that will also solve your issue in ship captain or king set, switching is one of the aspects that we have here during PvP. Sometimes it dictates who wins or lose. +vote capes are available for you now.
  5. Well the bolts before the update was never been a problem and seems fine the way it is. My main point in this suggestion was that new ones who would love to play matk types would have a very hard time playing it without gear, specially the wiz.and prof, Its easy enough to reduce damage from bolts of people who uses average gears to 800-2k but lets say still enough to make other people go to gtb and of course lets not forget the other skills we have specially for wiz which can spam a great amount of meteor storm + the burst damage of an SG. Staving is as hard if you dont have a thana, inca is really good as well but without good gears u will barely hit 13-18k, each stave and i doubt that many have good spams with stave._ considering the hp on wizard, its kinda hard. With bolts current spam it wouldnt do good as bolt is one of the main skills for prof and wiz since ring for wiz adds up cold bolt damage and indirectly the bios, since we dont have cards for earth spike or soul strike it is hard to even with the damage are setting off and theya re nto available to the bios. I personally dont consider prof as useless as well even after the nerf. Its the impact on most players im concerned about. The last time bolts was abused was only due to SNs not having a delay + macros or sprite edit or whatsoever. So i dont see why it should be nerfed on this level for all of the jobs using it.
  6. I believe its' diameter is the reason why they arent in used. More likely very few find the true value of O.Zod, aside from emp, o.zod and butt aura are the next 2 auras for me when breaking. Its just that most people want the 10% damage against demi humans on most physical aura thats why they use it more than the o.zod. And in accordance with that. if its the legendary aura, i still see many people using l.zod comes the lhz aura next. then myths. when i first came into game, having my 1st black zod felt good. It looks nice the way it is. And of course if people got betetr aura than l.zod, theyll use it over l.zod.
  7. thats a big delay compared to skills that spams way faster and deals great damage than bolts.
  8. I hope this would reconsidered, i didnt post this suggestion without giving it a try and test it in-game. >.< and dont know what really is the maiin reason why they nerf bolt spam of all classes who uses it.
  9. well then, u have a point. im tired of butt arua >.< so imma go with this.
  10. 1st - 110khp is way too low even if u dont have valk gears. At least get 200-220. but i prefer 240-270k others even higher. 2nd - Default on Fsold. Switch to Ship captain if ur imma arrow damage is high, means theya re on gr and most likely dont have puppetring on to stone u. 3rd - u dont necessarily have 101 crit, shold be around 84 in my own preference/build before. 4th - as others said, if u have a good spam, just go DS type for the meantime. fas will still be viable even ur on ds type build in my experience, its the HP that im most concerned of,
  11. id rather have the new matk aura same as the astro circle for matk than red glasses. + i prefer fixin the things on spams 1st before this. >.<
  12. kafra band is wearable by males. damage wise = kafra band stat wise = piamette. imo, id rather go for piamette. its more of use than burst damage. cause you cant fight if you cant survive right? oh and another thing about ice wall. its disabled for main maps of pvp like for fild and prt in. but that strategy works in gvg/br. and on maps that it is allowed.
  13. a statless Acc O.o well i got 1 too . but dunno. but i keep it xD
  14. i think it woulnt look so good as what u want. cause emp got slimmer icons. compared to zod. +you need sprite editor to do that, i like zod the way it is.
  15. Theres Tons of Customized items in this server, and on different tiers or levels, But i dont know if there is an existing list of the sort.
  16. Well you wouldnt be allowed to remove a card if your overweight. Also, you need 225 or 250k zeny + a star crumb to do so. but as danny said above its on any kafra npc. and theres no risk.
  17. theres a lot of things to chose from aside from gtb to counter matk class. and u didnt quite get my point. its not a fight between u and me. say an lk or sniper. im just comparing. and so far. normal attack with gtb on works quite good for sb sinx. I win like using edge sword and gtb against a matk class when I was a sb type sinx
  18. making this would make a lot of coding works again, i suggest to just put it back the way it was since it never had been a problem because Sn cant spam that fast though having Tremendous HP and Massive matk is crazy enough +the free 2k stat points. Though if they were only the ones to fight, its prettty easy to counter, its only becoing toublesome when they on gangs. I remember having a discussion in nerfing the HP% of tao gunka for SNs.
  19. 1.4k on sb. ill buy it now o.o
  20. i got higher ping. 220-250. and im lagging whenever take vids. so i cannot put up a vid.
  21. bolts can never stun lock someone except otherwise use of macros to have faster spams. cause even a prof with double bolt cant stunlock anyone without the usage of the fiber lock. only thing i can see why they nerfed the bolt spam is that due to Sn spams, but then again its only available to them as they got no casting delay by using the priest cape. No need to affect all matk classes. The update got a big impact on matk classes compared to SNs that can still spam bolts and go hybrid to mammo type which deals good damage +all the skills available to them. well Stave isnt that good enough to be a main skill =.= though i mainly use voluspa than highness. If the Bless RIng would give good improvement on stave why not go stave type all the way .lol but if they go back to usakoring which is easy enough. stave sux real hard. lol so we still rely on bolts. and besides its our main skill.
  22. as they said. we all started as new ones like you, so we do know the situation as it is. being more experienced in the matter would be the thing as the players above already observed how it works. And THIS suggestion have been going on repeatedly. and again theres always a problem, Some players are playing in an internet cafe. if you blanket an ip then all of those players cant enter once a single player from their group got to enter it, I couldnt care less on that cause i am playing on my home connection. But what about them? Also as they have already said, the gear isnt the issue, knight set and leg.gears are enough to kill thana. And if your trying thana room, i cant really consider you as a newbie anymore, an average player is more appropriate.
  23. im still seeing them like yesterday. without link. more than 3 sb type sinx do it. dont tell me all of them are on macro or something? Grimtooth can deal like 30k+ damage which would be good enough and to say compared to magic classes, when people gtb disabling our main skills(magic)=your SB(main damage skill), ur grimtooth deals way higher damage than our stave. and since ur on hide you are on a defensive side if they tried to sight or ruwach they will be near and so your range will be back as well. Just to add, all things got its counter. You will never find any counter-less attack.
  24. Ok so, i dont know why bolt spam got modified. As far as i can see last time, we only have problems due to no delay Burst damage of SN bolts. Bolts spam are quite crappy even before the update, Its not just for prof. I tried spamming bolts using my biochemist and wizard as well. They are really slow compared to other burst skills of other classes. Biochemist are affected somehow due to their usage of bolts specially in most certain cases. Also it is clearly given to them to be of use in PvP. Considering they only use lvl 5 bolts, slowing the spam would make it less effective and gives less viability to be of use in battles. Prof on the other hand may seem to spam faster due to the double bolt. But as im seeing it now when i ask people to be on gtb, the delay on those missed i made is too great. compared again on most skills. The Double Bolt couldnt make it up to it specially for ungeared ones who damages like 1-4k bolts. Lastly, The wizard, i know bolts arent their main thing, as they can use Aoe Skills to avoid getting reflected and deal massive damage. But are not enough to actually kill. Besides considering the problem on their HP. I believe wizards would be the one who gets affected the most. Also most wizards use bless ring for add. cold bolt damage. I suggest to reconsider the modification. if its intended to make the bolt spam slower, then at least modify it on a different level. Matk classes specially wizard are almost like farmers or leechers, its getting too hard for new ones to actually play them and be viable on PvP. In which many players would also love to enjoy playing these classes in PvP. Matk are easily countered enough with gtb+fcp. So i dont think it would hurt to adjust the modifications.
  25. Well. we arent normal people to start with, we are called gamers, which have certain characteristics +mindset on things other than those people who really doesnt play online games or games to grind for. Also its an mmorpg game, you cant expect everyone to act and behave in your liking. Also you already said it yourself, it is a PvP server. no more no less to explain on that matter Commenting on posts like this would be normal, since the way you speak is like inviting others to flame on it. O.o Also isnt this post made for others to reply on after reading the things on what you have said? if its not you shouldnt have posted it for others to see.
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