When using windows 8 you have run both the client and the setup.exe in compatibility mode windows 7. Also if your resolution box remains empty please check if you have directX installed properly and if your graphic card drivers are updated.
Windows 8 seems to be very troublesome with Ragnarok Online in general. In any case on windows 8 make sure you're not running the game in full screen mode.
The gauntlets do not give the +3% hp. This was noted in one of the update topics. However I'll notify Veracity regarding the wiki page. Thank you for reporting it :)
If you're errorring just by warping to a map it means you have not installed our full installer within the past 2-3 months or so. Please install our game through the all-in-one installer to update to renewal files.
You can find your information here : http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages§ion=pages&id=1&record=112
If your preferred donation method is not in the list feel free to add one of Genesis' contacts and maybe you can figure something out.
[email protected]
Website URL
It's never smart to use the same card 4 times in 1 weapon. the 4'th card will hardly have any effect. Also for future reference to check if a mob is dropping something you can use @mi monsternamehere . Cheers :).