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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. This is not really a suggestion. More of a bug report which belongs in a ticket. Hence why I'm closing this.
  2. Might be because you're once running your client as administrator mode and the other time without it. You see the alt+m hotkeys are saved as a registry file on your computer, not inside your RO folder. The only way to get rid of the saves is by deleting or overwriting that file.
  3. Playing any other server as well by chance ?
  4. If you have a decent amount of dex (And as a hunter class you should have) there is no way on this ForakenRO world that you are missing all MvPs with all elemental arrows.
  5. As stated, you should create a ticket and supply us with as much information from the accounts as possible
  6. There is no file that could cause harm to your computer within our full installer. I'm glad to hear the texture problem is solved. I will close this topic now. If you encounter any errors feel free to make a new topic.
  7. You might want to try running the ForsakenRO patcher. If that doesn't solve the errors you'll have to download the All-in-one :3
  8. Log into your game. Then press alt + d. Then slide the "Texture resolution adjustment" bar all the way to the right.
  9. There's nothing for us to fix. You didn't download the all-in-one as suggested during the renewal update. In order to fix your error you'll have to download and install the all-in-one installer.
  10. Are you trying to vote at an internet cafe?
  11. You can reset your character's position at the control panel. Aside from that you'll have to run your ForsakenRO patcher.
  12. It's not up to me to decide the eventual effect. I'm just pointing out the shortcomings in your suggestion and trying to prevent balance issues with the things you suggested. Don't get mad because I disagree with you. I've just given my 2 cents (as a player) and backed it up with sufficient proof why the suggested changes will be too much. Meanwhile I have agreed to boosting the cape with the initial changes you wanted. But the suggested rings and weapon are way too much.
  13. Proven wrong twice in your other topic by now.. It adds 10 str and bonus damage to kicking skills why do you think we add stats to the weapon ? Your 30 str bonus overwhelms the running buff easily as the 4 slots by itself would easily make up for the secondary running effect. It will go way beyond 'nulling the effect' it will boost it with an way way higher amount while the skill at this very moment already is a 1-2KO skill. Mature. And it's not a hard concept to grasp as it's obviously (as proven several times now) a concept that does way more than just 'nulling' an effect. See the new explanation on the calculation at your other topic as you didn't seem to get the first explanation.
  14. These are the basics of RO that you don't seem to know/remember. Let me explain to you the basics of RO calculations. All % adds are off base damage this is the damage before any adds are done. Your 60k hits is the damage WITH all adds. So your middle school math does not apply here and is completely wrong. Your base damage is the damage you do purely based on your stats and using a skill, not by % added to damage such as FBH card. Therefore it will add 25% off the base damage not the final damage as you used in your wrong calculation.. Aside from that I already explained that your so called 25% boost will be multiplied by running and tumble/break-fall as well due to it being calculated BEFORE the boosts from running and break-fall. Thus it would result in a 125% damage X the multiplier from running x the multiplier from tumble. Which results in a way bigger boost than 25% of base damage into the final damage. I already stated I do agree with removing the SP and adding HP instead and changing the + int to +str instead. in one of the first posts I made here. Also I never claimed they did not need kiels. I claimed they do not need 4 kiels which renders them vulnerable to ailments. With high jump and running star glads are about the most maneuverable class in the game , together with champion.
  15. What the right thing is is different for every individual. You don't decide what's right or wrong. A sniper with FAS even with it's current boosts deals less damage than just running + FSK. Not even adding tumbling on top of that. On top of that a sniper requires 4 kiels to spam FAS, a star glad does not require that to spam running/fsk. Sniper does 40k wearing everything to get maximum damage and being vurnerable to effects. A star glad does an easy 100k, without wearing gears that render him vulnerable for status effects. Please quote the part where I contradicted myself as you seem to misunderstand the word contradict. Star glads at this very moment already deal higher damage than the mentioned classes with their buffs. Therefore boosting the star glad damage far beyond the other classes would be unfair. We don't leave any class 'hanging' some classes need damage, others need survivability or other effects. The only weakness Star Glad has is dispel, hence my suggested effects.. You can't grab a class that can already 1-2 hit people easily, and decide to add a ton of damage to it. If they already do massive damage you don't add damage for them, you add other things that they lack. The damage boost you're suggesting is WAY bigger than a few k damage. As explained in the other topic, you didn't quite get your calculations right... So there's no need to explain. I already explained it for you at the other topic :).
  16. No, but there's other ways of making an item desirable other than adding damage. Any decent star glad really does not need more damage, specially not once the reset npc for hatred is in. I'm not basing it on "one glad that rapes" I've been a star glad before on here and "raped face" with it too. I saw a person starting star glad today, receiving tips from a player and even that person raped face on it starting at the first few minutes he played it. I'm not even taking you as an example in anything. You can leave the bragging behind in your arguments, this is not about you, this is about a class in general. As for your calculations they are completely wrong. You see the skill flying side kick is the thing that gets calculated first based on your ATK at maximum level it does 100% damage. Now the improvement you suggested gets calculated secondly. AFTER this improvement the damage adds from running and breakfall are calculated. Meaning the 15% you just added to the regular FSK is multiplied by running and breakfall as well, resulting in a bigger boost than the mere 15% you're pointing out. Aside from that a % add is always from base damage. So if you would now do 60k, a 25% add would not bring it up to 75k. As stated adding damage is not the way to populate the class. Adding the reset npc and other effects to the cape + a weapon is possible, though adding damage would overdo it completely.
  17. Star glads deal close to the same damage with an optimized weapon compared to using no weapon, correct. However adding a damage boost is not needed for people to prefer using a weapon over using none. Examples could be additional HP when wielding a weapon. Additional stats that automatically would give the weapon a slight benefit over using no weapon. and perhaps even a low amount of demi human reduction as star glads are quite squishy, automatic incant and phreeoni effect so the star glads would no longer need a constant Union to be on = Dispel doesn't completely counter them anymore + no risk of killing yourself when below 20% hp. Those things should make a reasonable star glad player want the weapon , quite badly. Without making it insanely overpowered, you just give them more survivability and remove the easy counter against the class so they can be more beneficial during pvp/woe. As stated in the other topic as well you can not boost damage just for the none hatred targets. meaning if you boost it in general the hatred target damage would be insanely overpowered. You say you already win ALL fights vs hatred targets. You do not seem to understand that there will be an NPC to let you reset your targets so you can basically have ALL classes targeted as hatred. Just not all at once, but it will be possible to reset them. I don't think I need to say anything about this. Just the fact that you're insulting all other star glad users (which are only a few people, true) while those should be the players supporting your suggestion. Doesn't seem very logical to me.
  18. You can't just reduce all MvP card droprates to 1% after they've been higher for years. As for the @warp command, it's a common thing within highrates. People play highrates because it's easier and doesn't take as long, removing this command will be a disappointment to most high-rate players. Due to the above I think I'll have to disagree with the suggestion.
  19. The additional damage would be on all classes not just the none hatred ones. Thus, overpowered on the hatred targets. + You get to reset your targets so within seconds you'd be OP towards any class you wish. Point proven, with the hatred reset you won't need any major boosts. The second part I doubt as well but that aside. It should be worth it yes, should it be overpowered ? No. Adding even more damage to FSK would make it OP. Current FSK vs decent reductions can easily reach up to 100k each, it can not miss due to flee and can be any element of choice. Please show me the math/calculations if you did any. The item would not just be strong, it would be overpowered as the boost would be multiplied together with running and tumbling. Also just because there's not a lot of people using the class at this very moment, doesn't mean everyone sucks with it.
  20. Your forum account is seperate from your in-game account. You can create your in-game account here : http://forsaken-ro.net/cp/?module=account&action=create
  21. Firstly, don't bump your topic, it's useless and the last post was made on the 8'th.. that's 2 days ago... Secondly. : When was the last time you played stalker? the 95% reduction is long gone and is no longer obtainable. If you want any decent reductions at all now you will be giving up a lot of your damage and your freeze immunity and your attack speed(or a lot of hp/gr). I think stalkers are fine at the moment but are far from being a "serious powerhouse". You do not have to lecture me on star gladiator as I know exactly how they work and the ins and outs of every skill they have. As you are such a dedicated SG player you should already know that there there's work being done to put the hatred reset npc into working conditions. That way you will no longer be restricted to 3 classes and that way you will not need additional damage in any way. Of course you'd find a damage boost very useful as it would overpower the class instantly. Cape changes to remove the SP and int and turn it into str and HP, yes I agree with. However the suggested effects for the rings and especially bonus damage to FSK would be extremely overpowered and I'm pretty sure you know that as well.
  22. As I've stated in a different topic as well adding a bonus to FSK is completely out of the question for me. That skill already does insane damage on your targeted classes, any add to that and you will be easily 1 hitting any class you have targeted. As the reset npc is being worked on I don't think we really need to boost this class in general any further. And if we do I would suggest giving the weapon bonus health and perhaps something like an incant/phreeoni effect so star glads would no longer need a constant Union skill active to be effective and thus be easily disabled by dispel.
  23. When you suggest a change to a certain item you should be suggesting exact changes. Just telling us you want to see it changed is not really a suggestion. Please give us the specific effects you'd want to see.
  24. As you've stated, you've only played here for about 3 weeks. There is no way you could've seen all balance and have tried all classes with all fair and equal gears. And there's a lot of things I'll have to disagree with as well. With our custom items (weapons especially) creators are given alternate ways to fight as well. Mamonite and bolts for example. If you got decent gears and know how to play it it can actually be strong in pvp. I highly highly doubt this. As for one, I would still play it. GS. The gunslinger class was intended by Gravity to be a glass cannon class. Therefore their damage is higher than most classes and survivability a tad lower. A lot of classes lack ghost elemental attacks. Cursed water gives shadow, not ghost. and there's a lot of other elemental converters that work out fite. Immunity to freeze. Without immunity to freeze some classes such as champion would be overpowered and trust me , Wizards really don't need the freeze/JT combo to win on this server. Priest - Unfortunately I do have to agree with you on most of the priest stuff and I'd love to hear solutions to this problem other than removing the seeds/yggs as that's not a viable option with the current damage output in this server. Stalker - Stalkers strip easier than sniper and can strip all at once, instead of 1 part at a time + they are a lot more survivable and versatile than the sniper. Taekwons - I don't think you're very familiar with the taekwon class in general. They get boosts by not using a weapon because they never were intended to use a weapon. The taekwon ranker is mostly a tanking class and a semi-damage dealer and it can be with the speed you can spam the kicks at. Sinx is not used very often in serious PvP. Autocast sonicblow is never really used on sinx, it's more manual sonic blow builds than autocast. It really depends which person you fight whether you need 1 or multiple hits. Besides that sonicblow can be countered and reflected. Wait..what ? LK and GS are pretty much the most played PvP classes at this current moment so really not sure what this is about. Partly true, partly untrue. However wouldn't this only improve the choice of classes that you can play without having to restart completely on gears?
  25. If he already has the renewal clients the small installer should allow him to play on our server and most likely error-free as well. However I will not guarantee that no errors will occur because he/she refuses to install the game through the way we suggest him/her to install it.
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