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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Welcome to the Server! :)
  2. We dont need Job Skill Reset since not all the skill points are used.. well its base on your jobs mostly the Super Novices lacks skill points and the only solution to that is to buy Skill Points at Forsaken Kafra :)
  3. Post some Pictures of your Family ingame here <3 here ill Start <3
  4. Doppel card is useless since its easy to get 195aspd with vote f.king and vote vhelm.. I have ALOT of free time so feel free to ask me any questions you can think LOL. and if someone abused you again, you can take a ss and file a ticket at the ticket center so they can be punished :)
  5. If the map that you warped on is the reason for your problem.. just go to Control Panel->My Account->(NameOfCharacterThatIsStucked)->ResetPosition .. Hope this can solve your problem.
  6. If your Internet Connection is too slow, it will be hard for you to dual client making it freeze and shuts down the other client. well my advice for you is to get leeched (you can always ask me, im pretty bored ingame xD) IGN: Sweet Dreamz~ :D
  7. 25k Tomahawk? O.O .. well you should attack them first to dispell them(spam seeds), and then spam like hell once their dispelled :D a risky plan xD
  8. Yes, he is pertaining to dual client. :)
  9. its easy to counter WS.. just use Vr and your ready to go.. dispell will actually kill them :)
  10. Yes, happens to me too but try challenging some more PRO LKs.. you'll die first before you can land a coma tarot on them xD
  13. Victoria

    The Story Game

    "The End", then they went out
  14. Victoria

    The Story Game

    turned off the lights and
  15. Victoria

    The Story Game

    "Where are my Meatballs!?", then he got angry and
  16. i would like to add, switch to Usakoring Shield if you happen to see some Champs near emp :)
  17. It is not actually pointless, you're just reporting an abuse. what is pointless for me is that person who is RESU KILLING you and calling you weak. that is obviously abusive and deserves to get a punishment.

    1. gagosila123


      Yah, I like to have it now!! :)

  19. Welcome to the Server! :)
  20. This is now the Real Me! xD with my Classmates (im still 15, 4th year highschool)
  21. Its easier for the GMs if you take an ss then report it to them. even if they filtered them out, those people can still use the same meaning with just a lil' misspelling.
  22. or File a ticket at the Ticket Center :D
  23. I Agree with you. If LK is Nerfed, people will find another job and tell people that it is OP or some sort.. as a Conclusion, There is NO END if that ever happens. it will just make LK imbalance.
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