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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. We're planning on it! We are going to do a lot more challenging and large-scale quests, including ones for the storyline, in the future. Frigg's is part of something much bigger.
  2. Read the rules before posting new suggestions and check the pinned topics. You're supposed to post all changes to the Valkyrie Weapons here. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20256
  3. Bidding closes on September 2, 2011 at 6:00 PM Rules 1) The bidding will start at 1500 tokens. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 100 tokens. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. 4) If your first bid is within the last hour of the bidding, it will not count. 5) You are not allowed to have your storage open in your screenshots, just your inventory with the amount of tokens you're bidding. For your post, please provide the following: 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken during the period of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Note: Badges of Honor are no longer accepted. Please take note of the change to the minimum bid increase. Now, let the bidding begin!
  4. There are multiple servers that have that event, I believe, so it was probably released on eA or somewhere else. We've had an event similar to that for years, only it's not automated and a GM hosts it. What's your point?
  5. Happy birthday! (:

  6. Just because things are source edits doesn't mean we won't do them, just most of people's suggestions involving it aren't worth the risks. We wouldn't do this for Soul Linkers, and in no way did I mean to imply we would in my post. I meant other ways of helping the class.
  7. Unless we allow them to use 'es' type skills against other players, I'm not sure they will ever stand much of a chance in PvP. That being said, I'm open to hearing ways of potentially helping the class.
  8. I'm going to leave this open until 10PM EST in case anyone wants to get some last minute entries in!
  9. Please make sure to read the suggestion rules before posting in the suggestion section. Your suggestion violated the last rule, specifically: What you suggested would require source editing. It was suggested before and rejected; you should also check the rejected suggestions section before making a new one to prevent this from happening. If you ever need further clarification on why a suggestion was rejected, you can always feel free to PM me. The GM who rejected your suggestion was just following/enforcing the rules of the suggestion thread, not trying to be rude, that's all. (: That being said, we'll try to look into this more as we might be able to do this now. I do think it's a nice and thoughtful suggestion and agree with it 100%, the question is just whether or not it's doable at the time.
  10. Veracity


    First off, hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! If GMs don't respond to @request, you should check the Support Center at prt_vlg00. They may be AFKing with chats up and you can leave questions there. Of course, we're easily available on the forums as well. All of the staff also has GM emails which you can add to MSN. Mine is [email protected] and I'm basically always on. If you have any questions I'll likely be able to help, so feel free to drop me a PM on the forums or add me on MSN! (: Anyway, I hope you're enjoying it here so far!
  11. Oops, when I was formatting the tables I was copy/pasting 1 as a template which had 'Lower' for the headgear position. Guess I overlooked those. Thanks for letting me know, and sorry about that! Edit: Okay, I went through and I think I got everything. If I missed anything else, or you notice any other mistakes, please file a ticket here. Thanks!
  12. Participate in this week's Screenshot Contest! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20313

    1. Snipeess


      GM please read my ticket that i send to you thanks

  13. Veracity

    Taekwon Ranker

    I think maybe every month or two would be good, 2 weeks seems like too short of a time. I like the idea a lot, we'd need suggestions on what exactly the prizes should be, though.
  14. I think we already have an event chosen to take the place of Annihilation that will be very popular. However, it's going to take some time to implement because it involves a lot of customizations, so this could be a good alternative in the meantime. I just want to make sure though that this event would not give Annihilation tokens, correct? Only event tokens?
  15. - Accepted -
  16. I don't think SinX need another Valkyrie weapon, at least for the time being. They have the most Valk weapons out of any class, so I'd recommend instead suggesting buffs/changes for their existing weapons. I will say though that Sonic Blow does not need a boost, it already does enough damage. I'm going to close/reject this topic, please post changes to existing weapons here. Thanks!
  17. It's easy to complain but it is not easy to actually do the work. There are hundreds of accepted suggestions and some are not as important as others, so obviously only certain ones will be prioritized. We're doing our best, but there's been quite a few road bumps lately and in terms of developers, we're understaffed. If you want things done more quickly, I suggest learning something useful instead of complaining. Why not learn some basic code? There's plenty of guides on eA. If you're not willing to help or contribute, then you have no right to complain... just remember that. (This applies to everyone, not just you, too.) We are however working on implementing the accepted suggestions, it just takes awhile since there are so many and there are only 2-3 of us that can do the work. (:
  18. I love the idea of having color change quests, I'm not sure if these wings would be plausible for it though. Also, it's rather unlikely we would buff the wing's stats, we'd be more likely to make them cost less instead.
  19. It looks good! It would match the Pink Valkyrie Helm well.
  20. Bidding has ended, Ferocious has won. Please contact Genesis as soon as you can.
  21. [ Screenshot Contest 02 ] "What do you love most about ForsakenRO?" This week's theme will be "What do you love most about ForsakenRO?" (Thank you Appie for this great idea!) Your screenshot should... This event will end on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 5:00PM EST. Don't forget to include the IGN of your character in your post! Rules Players are limited to two entries. If you post one entry, make a new post for your following entry. Editing a post may result in disqualification. All entries must be made on your own character. You may not post under different forum account names or IPs to increase the number of participants or your chance to win. This will result in your immediate disqualification. Participants must have a minimum post count of 5. Entries must not have any editing done to them outside of borders, subtitles, etc. Edits to the actual character or background will result in disqualification. If possible, hide the chat window/health bars/etc. and make the screenshot as clean/organized as possible. Try to avoid mousing over character names etc. Prizes First Place: 50 Event tokens and an unreleased headgear of your choice Second Place: 25 Event Tokens Third Place: 12 Event Tokens All of the winning screenshots will be featured on the front page of the website! Good luck to all! We look forward to seeing everyone's entries!
  22. Closed, great entries everyone! We'll announce the winners this weekend hopefully. If you have any ideas for a theme for the next contest, please share your ideas in the thread I made for it!
  23. There's about 4 more hours to get any last minute entries in! Also, if you guys have suggestions for the next Screenshot Contest (which I'll open tonight if we get some good ideas), please post them in the topic I made here. Thank you! (:
  24. Welcome back to the server! If you need any help getting up to speed or have any questions, feel free to contact myself or any of the staff. Hope you have fun! (:
  25. Veracity

    I'm Back ;d

    Welcome back! A lot has changed since you've last played, so if you have any questions or need any help catching up to speed, I'd be more than happy to help. A lot of information is also available on the wikipedia, so that could be helpful as well. Good luck and happy playing! (:
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