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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Please read the suggestion forum rules before posting a topic, thank you. - Rejected -
  2. Bidding has ended, Beautiful has won. Please contact Genesis as soon as possible.
  3. This is a nice idea! I went ahead and pinned the topic to make it easier to find. Happy Birthday Skull Panda, Fabre Stalker, and Abandonation! (:
  4. It'd be super awesome if when you're hosting an event (or are helping someone else host an event), you would take some screenshots and post them here. We want to add more screenshots of events to post on RMS and the website. Please be sure to have as little "clutter" as possible in the screenshot (e.g., closing your inventory, info bar, etc). If possible, hide your health bars as well. It doesn't just have to be events, you can feel free to post any screenshots you think look nice and would help advertise the server. It could be of the town, GMs interacting with the community, PvP, and more. Thank you!
  5. Of course! Haha.

  6. We're already addressing this issue, it'll be fixed next update. Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion! - Accepted -
  7. Veracity

    Tao Fix

    Moving this to accepted since we may (possibly) change the effect of the card. Please post any further suggestions concerning this in this topic: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=20232
  8. The good news is we'll be addressing this issue in the next update. Our primary focus on that update is going to be new players and those who can't donate. (:
  9. Veracity

    Tao Fix

    It was giving a lot of/most classes 100% instead of 30% or 50% for stalker/sniper, and 60% for mage classes.
  10. Veracity

    Tao Fix

    We'll update the card description ASAP, thanks for letting us know. If there's any other issues like that, you can file a ticket or PM me about it. (: You can see the effect of the card on the Wiki, under guides, and the Modified Cards list.
  11. Veracity

    Tao Fix

    You guys can feel free to discuss this, but I just want to say it was not a nerf. Tao, on this server, was never supposed to add that much, that was a bug and people should have reported it sooner.
  12. Moved this to General Discussion so it doesn't interfere with the Guild Hideout bidding. I'll pin it too so it's easier to find.
  13. - Rejected - As many people have already said, this isn't a suggestion, it's a complaint. If you are able to come up with concrete solutions to suggest, feel free to make a new topic.
  14. The reason why we add what weapons we do is because we're working with what sprites we have available to us, which is why there's a variety of weapons for Assassins. Developing and adding the weapons is a very time consuming process, so we need to prioritize what weapons we do add based on what we have to work with, people's suggestions, and what classes need the most attention. It would be nice to have a weapon for stalkers like you're describing, yes, but I completely agree with Seraphine that it shouldn't (and wouldn't) be top priority. It's going to be awhile before any more Valkyrie weapons are added (though making edits to the current weapons is still possible). However, if you want a weapon like what you're suggesting, you need to be a lot more detailed. Suggesting exact stats you would like would be a lot more beneficial.
  15. One of the goals behind things like this is to try to gradually take tokens out of the economy over time. I'm afraid if we offer zeny as an alternative, everyone would just opt out for that instead and it would defeat the purpose it was designed for in the first place.
  16. Genesis responded in another topic explaining it should be finished soon. To make up for the down time, we will offer 2x the normal amount of points for voting for the same amount of time it's been down for. Hope that helped!
  17. Hi there, I wasn't the one who made the mistake since I wasn't coding anything at the time this was done. According to that page, all classes (except for stalker, sniper, and mage classes) should be receiving 30%. Stalker and sniper should receive 50%, while mage classes should receive 60%. I believe Genesis corrected the issue, however, we can re-test everything to make sure.
  18. Veracity

    Sinx Dex Sword

    Already being discussed in this topic: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=19947 Please make sure to check the current suggestions before posting a new one, thanks!
  19. Bidding closes on August 5, 2011 at 6:00 PM Rules 1) The bidding will start at 1500 tokens. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 100 tokens. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. 4) If your first bid is within the last hour of the bidding, it will not count. 5) You are not allowed to have your storage open in your screenshots, just your inventory with the amount of tokens you're bidding. For your post, please provide the following: 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken during the period of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Note: Badges of Honor are no longer accepted. Please take note of the change to the minimum bid increase. Now, let the bidding begin!
  20. It shouldn't be. Are you still experiencing difficulty connecting?
  21. Of course, you guys deserve it. (: Also, just wanted to add in, I'd love to hear how this goes (especially PMing new players). It makes me happy to hear about things like this!
  22. I love the idea of extended quests, things similar to this are already in progress. It'd be great if we could get more feedback on the new PvP wings you're suggesting (attack and speed). It would be wonderful if we could get more suggestions about new things we can add specifically for older players. This, along with helping new players, are our two top priorities right now and will be added in the next update (or two). Point being, this is the time to speak up with all of your ideas. We're giving you guys a say in the direction the server is going and a lot of what you suggest will happen so take advantage of this now!
  23. "you are kinda here to do a job you are refusing to do [...] not supposed to solve all MY problems you're supposed to solve EVERYONES problems the day you start to help only your friends or those that suck up to you is the day you failed at your job." A job? No, what Genesis does is not a job. He is not getting paid for it. He (and the rest of the staff) receives virtually no benefit other than making our players happy. We are volunteering our time for free and working our asses off to provide players like you with the best RO server we possibly can. Genesis is not "supposed" to do anything, either. Despite this, he does everything he can--spending endless hours coding/developing updates, supporting players in game, solving hack/scam cases (which by the way, is a lot more than most other server administrators will do!), listening to player's suggestions... and that's just part of what he does. He's been working on the server from day one... do you have any idea what kind of time commitment and dedication it takes to run a popular RO server for over 4 years? Very few servers have been able to stay open that long out of the hundreds and hundreds of private RO servers. That right there says Genesis is doing something right. "thats my point about changes that should take place but people dont want their classes nerfed and so no one seems to want to do anything but make new weapons. when someone points out a problem that no one else wants to see or do anything about..." We are doing lots of things other than make new weapons, including adding more benefits for new players and those who can't donate. Have you ever thought that no one else sees the "problem" that you do because maybe there isn't one? Just because you think something is wrong with the server and new weapons doesn't mean it is so. Yes, the weapons are better than the elite weapons. Why? Because they were designed to give every class a chance in a highrate PvP environment (even if that meant making some changes to the class itself). We're trying to tackle something very few, if any, servers have ever really been able to achieve. Yes, it's not perfect, but we're working at it. If you look, a majority of the community supports these efforts, too. "... since the admins all play the server and dont want their own classes to be nerfed(human nature no offense)" No, that is incorrect. Neither of our admins play the server at all anymore. They only go on their Game Master account to support the players. Also, all of the higher up GMs (Wish, Justice, and myself) rarely, if ever, play the server anymore. We have chosen to devote all of our free time to bettering the server as staff and have had to give up enjoying it as players. We are the primary decision makers and discuss the suggestions of the community in an unbiased manner with the sole intention of bettering the server. "'Insulting ("ohh wait that would even further increase the imbalance between classes since nothing is being done anyway." ) me and my work certainly won't either.' obviously nothing else seems to be working" Insulting the staff is never going to help anyone get what they want. We are always more than happy to listen to players who communicate their opinions and ideas (whether they're positive or negative), so long as they do it in a polite, respectful, and intelligent manner. "and ignoring every single suggestion about classes(and everything else) doesnt irritate me?" Not sure what you're talking about. We do listen to the suggestions from the community and use them as a basis for our priorities and ideas. "'An example of this is "new WS wep is ehh should get nerfed a bit though' dont have all the answers just saying problems [...] im just pointing out problems i dont have solutions thats why its on the suggestions so others can give their point of view" A suggestion implies you are suggesting a solution or alternative to a problem, not merely stating the problem. Look at every other topic in the suggestion forum and you will see this is standard procedure. Stating a supposed problem without offering an alternative is not constructive at all, it is just criticizing and complaining... which is exactly what you're doing. "constantly making weapons stronger is pointless since at some point you will be killing everyone in 1 hit... nuf said(friends and I have tested damage by the way)" We are not constantly making weapons stronger. We added weapons for the classes that had yet to receive them, or had not received their primary weapon (e.g., the Whitesmith Hammer). You cannot kill everyone in 1 hit, and it will never be that way because that goes against everything we are working towards. "'Your entire last paragraph is just ranting providing absolutely no alternative or solution to these perceived problems.' not ranting just lots of suggestions that are OBVIOUS and no one seems to bother fixing them, and hence its in the suggestions section and as stated before i dont have all the answers just providing the problems" As stated before, you have suggested nothing. "sometimes it's not what people want thats whats needed for the server to grow(as per proof look at MVP's and the economy of the server look at the time in which they changed) also look at the fact that these weapons are donation only and the fact that new players who don't donate or can't donate can do pretty much nothing when they get 1 shotted in any sort of pvp its no fun for them and thats why the server is slowly dying since new players are just leaving since they cant do a damn thing against someone who has been playing for a longer period of time and with the constant change of items and weapons makes new players who donate want to kick themselves since they just donated for last months weapons in which are out of date and thus weak." We're well aware of that, that's why the higher ups have final say on everything that gets added. We have the best interests of the server at heart and are unbiased in our decisions. Yes, you can get the weapons by donating. However, unlike many other servers, anyone can purchase them from other players for tokens. If you look at what we did before (buffing the elite weapons so they're only 5-10 stats less than the new valkyrie weapons), you would probably be able to figure out we're going to do something similar again for these new weapons. We are working on a very large update to help those who can't donate or are new to the server. The server is far from slowly dying and we're already addressing the issues you're bringing up here. "'This is why the suggestion forum is here to begin with. To allow the community to voice THEIR opinion on changes.' thats kinda my point... but sometimes its the GM's that need to do whats best for the server instead of looking at only what players want and the biased opinion of the GM's(happens to everyone don't be offended)" We hire GMs because they believe they are capable of acting professional and unbiased. I'd say the vast majority, except for maybe a couple, have been capable of doing that. We have no tolerance for unprofessional/biased GMs and hold all of our staff to a high standard. We do not only look at what players want, as I've already explained previously. If we did, there wouldn't be so many rejected suggestions, now would there? We always carefully consider the community's suggestions and make sure they are in the best interest of the server. "instead of looking at only making money off the weapons maybe think about whats needed to keep the server alive since a lot of the ritch players have only 1 thing to do and thats PVP but if they have no one to fight in pvp what will happen? they will leave and the server will be left with nothing." We are not simply looking to "make money off the weapons," they were designed to promote class balance and a competitive PvP environment. We're always looking to improve the server and add more interesting features for both new and old players. I've even made topics about it because people brought up their concerns with these issues. I'd love to hear any suggestions you or anyone else has concerning this. However, "nerfing all the Valkyrie weapons" isn't the solution.
  24. First of all, I want to say everyone's been doing a wonderful job with hosting events! Keep up the great work ya'll! Based on your thoughtful feedback, we're going to try to take a more interactive approach with the players. This means unhiding in Forsaken City more and interacting with the players in positive ways to answer their questions, etc. You can also broadcast if you're at the Support Center so players can know you're available to talk to and/or host Help Desks if you have any down time between events. Also, be on the look out for players that look like they're new. Please take the time to PM them and say hello. Ask them if they're new, how they like the server so far, and if you can answer any questions they have, etc. I've been doing this for a couple of days and it has gone really well, it'd be wonderful if other GMs could do it too. It's important we let all players know we're easily available to them and ready to help. After all, the staff (a.k.a. you all) are one of the best things about ForsakenRO! You guys are really great, let's keep up the awesome job! (:
  25. Yes, though that may change... we'll see how it goes for now though. (:
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