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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. I think they look nice. I'm not so sure about the dots on the teal one, but I really like the purple one you did. Good job.
  2. Veracity


    Yes, as Genesis said in the topic, you can still vote but until we resolve some issues, you will not receive any points for voting.
  3. Happy birthday, Boss! I hope you have a great one. (:

  4. Great job so far, everyone! We're currently in 16th place. Keep up the voting, and remember to tell all of your friends to vote as well!
  5. If we are in the top 15 of the Gamesites Top 200 this month, we will be releasing 3 new recolors of the Vote RAWs! IF we are in the top 10, we will release ALL of the recolors of the Vote RAWs and boost their effect! Make sure when you vote you enter the capatcha code it asks for so the vote counts for us. Tell all of your friends to vote too, and remember, you can vote on multiple accounts as long as you use a different IP! In case you didn't know, you can vote through the Control Panel (cp.forsaken-ro.net).
  6. Veracity


    You must ALWAYS log if you ban or punish a player in the appropriate forum topics immediately after. There is no excuse for not doing so and it is absolutely unacceptable not to.
  7. - Accepted and implemented - Thank you to everyone who contributed!
  8. Since quite a few people were asking us about a Black Friday sale, we've decided to try one out this year. If it goes well, we'll start doing it every year! You can find out about all of the specials here. Savings include... Save 20% on Balloons when you buy 4! Buy 2 Halloween Headgears (excluding skull aurora) and get 1 free! Save 20% on Infernal Capes when you buy 3! Save 20% on Skull Auroras when you buy 2! Buy 4 Valkyrie Weapons and get 1 free! Based on players' feedback, we've buffed the effects of the Infernal Capes. Thank you to Xtopher and everyone who contributed to this! See the new effects below: Effect: Walking speed +10%, Reduce damage taken from demi-human monsters by 5%. Professor, High Wizard Mat+10%, SP/HP+5%, Int +20 Gypsy, Clown, Sniper Atk+ 7%, HP/SP+ 5%, Dex+ 20 Lord Knight and Paladin Attack+ 10%, 7% reflect, Str/Vit+10 Assassin Cross HP +5%, Attack+ 7%, Str/Vit +10 Star Gladiator Attack +8%, HP/SP+ 7%, Str/Agi +10 Taekwon Attack +10%, HP/SP+ 5%, Str/Agi +10 Soul linker Mattack +10%, HP/SP+ 7%, Int+ 20 Gunslinger Long Range attack +7%, HP +10%, Dex +20 Ninja Matk+ 7%, HP/SP +5%, Int/Str +10 Whitesmith CT Damage +10%, HP/SP +3%, Str +20 High Priest Cast Delay -10%, Increase healing by 10%, Vit/Int +10 Stalker Attack+ 10%, HP/SP+ 3%, Dex/Int+ 10 Champ Hit+ 80, Throw Spirit Sphere Damage+ 10%, Str/Int+ 10 Creator MATK+ 10%, HP/SP+ 5%, Int+ 20
  9. Veracity

    Infernal Capes

    - Rejected -
  10. Yeah, the link is no longer accurate since it's part of the control panel now. That'll be updated soon, and we'll add some more tabs too. (:
  11. Those look really nice, good job. They definitely could be an option. (:
  12. I forgot to add that if you guys would like a different sprite, please remember to suggest one. The more specific everyone is the easier it will be to implement this or any other suggestion.
  13. Veracity


    These are amazing! The last one would have to be my favorite. The lighting effect looks awesome! You're really talented, keep it up. (:
  14. While I understand why you're suggesting this, I'm honestly not sure about it... The whole reason we added "quest RAWs" was because there were 3 different size sprites created of those wings in particular. I'm not sure how this would work if we used one of the same sprites available from PvP ladder. I guess we can see what everyone else thinks about it though. In any case, thank you for your suggestion.
  15. That should be fixed soon, thanks. If ya'll want any other links to be added to the side panel again now would probably be a good time to suggest them as well. Congratulations!
  16. Veracity

    Infernal Capes

    "Looks" of an item are highly subjective. Everyone I've heard from have loved how the capes look and think they're one of the best looking items in game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't too. Many people have disliked how some other items we've added look, but we're not going to change those either because some people love those sprites. It's impossible to appeal to everyone. The sprites aren't going to be changed, the staff worked really hard on adding them and fixing the ACT file, etc. If you don't like it, don't donate for it. No one is forcing you to! (:
  17. Welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other staff members. Happy playing! (:
  18. Everyone, make sure to read the new rules here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16 From now on you should punish people according to these rules. Most of them are basically jailing instead of banning players, unless it's for very serious offenses. Be sure to read everything thoroughly. One of the features of the new Control Panel is that GMs are able to jail offline players. If you encounter any problems or have any questions, feel free to ask any higher up GM. Thanks!
  19. Presents... Thanksgiving Quest Help the busy woman prepare food for Midgard's annual Thanksgiving feast! In return, she will make you a Little Feather Hat or White Cloth Hood! Little Feather Hat [1] All Stats + 10, Hit + 30 White Cloth Hood [1] All Stats + 10, -5% Vit Defence Thanksgiving Quest Part II Hunt and gather food for a Native to bring to the feast. In exchange, he will make you a Grand Peco Hairband or Southern Cross! Grand Peco Hairband [1] All Stats + 10, HP + 5% Southern Cross [1] All Stats + 10, MATK + 5% New Hairstyles and Palettes The stylist in Forsaken City now has 20 new hairstyles, not to mention new clothing palettes! Infernal Cape [1] Infernal cape [1], which equips in lower, is now available in the Tokenshop! Effect: Walking speed +10%, Reduce damage taken from demi-human monsters by 5%. Professor, High Wizard Matk +10%, SP +5%, Int +20 Gypsy, Clown, Sniper Hit +80, SP +5%, Dex +20 Lord Knight and Paladin Attack +10%, HP +5%, Str/Vit +10 Assassin Cross Hit +80, HP +5%, Str/Vit +10 Taekwon, Soul Linker, Star Gladiator Hit +80, HP/SP +5%, Int +20 Gunslinger Long Range attack +10%, Hit +80, Dex +20 Ninja Matk +10%, HP/SP +3%, Int/Str +10 Whitesmith CT Damage +10%, HP/SP +3%, Str +20 High Priest Matk +10%, Increase healing skills by 10%, Int +20 Stalker Attack +10%, SP +5%, Dex/Int +10 Champ Hit +80, SP +5%, Int +20 Creator Hit +80, SP +5%, Int +20 - New Control Panel and Voting Center! Click here! - For a limited time, you will receive 2 vote tokens to make up for the downtime! - Stylist can now save 3 of your favorite palettes and go back and forth - New hairstyles and palettes implemented, more to come! - New Forsaken City Map by Justice - Limited time Thanksgiving quest implemented - Infernal cape added to the Token Shop - New log in screen by Barbie - Rules have been revamped, please make sure to read them! - Fixed issues with Novice v. Zombie - Cannot trade players in WoE Maps - Chat Rooms cannot be created in WoE - Updated Bulletin Board - Wikipedia is now fixed Icon for all of his hard work on the Infernal Cape ACT files Davven for the Infernal cape sprite Justice for the new Forsaken City map Veracity for writing the Thanksgiving quests and effects Genesis for all of his work on the coding and testing Wish for effects and helping test everything Barbie for the new log in screen and preview images Happy and Sae for the hairstyles DevilEvil for the palettes
  20. Veracity


    Welcome! (: If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask!
  21. Veracity


    Welcome! (:
  22. Hi there, the downloads are on this page: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?p=download The one you would want to download is the "All-in-one download" if you do not have any of the Ragnarok files.
  23. Veracity

    I'm Back!

    Welcome back! (:
  24. Welcome aboard! (:

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